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  1. Chixmamas Beak Le Coop Chicken Coop Playhouse

    Chixmamas Beak Le Coop Chicken Coop Playhouse

    Beak le Coop It all started with the idea that it would be nice to have fresh eggs...and here's what happened next: I found this wonderful website after doing some searches and began to learn more about chickens than I ever thought was possible. After contacting our city to clarify what was...
  2. ChixMama

    Impacted Crop / Maggots, Waxworms or Pills?

    My deepest sympathy to our trash man this past summer...60 days of over 100 degree temps made the trash a toxic smelling stew I didn't look to see if there was anything growing!
  3. ChixMama

    Impacted Crop / Maggots, Waxworms or Pills?

    Not sure about the maggots....I'm assuming that if some were swallowed "live" then they would eat on stuff in the crop to break it down (?). That's why I'm wondering if the smaller "maggots" vs the larger wax worms would work better...less likely to die in the pecking/eating process? Help!
  4. ChixMama

    Impacted Crop / Maggots, Waxworms or Pills?

    AccentOnHakes Today 2:12 pmI've heard you can "harvest" your own maggots, to speak. --Thanks...may have to try that nakstk Thanks for the garlic idea--am going to pick up some more ACV this afternoon. Good luck with you chick-a-doo! THELMA Thanks for that link! I've saved that one as a...
  5. ChixMama

    Impacted Crop / Maggots, Waxworms or Pills?

    As little history: Our RIR, Lucy (2 years old), has always been "top heavy". My husband has said she was like a school lunch lady. She's never been one to let you pick her up without squawking, so she hasn't been held as much as our buff orp. She's also been one to have a dirty bottom. We...
  6. ChixMama

    Possum Question

    They are disgusting creatures! I feel good about the run (hardware cloth aproned out and up to the top over chain link), but I want the "girls" to be able to have safe yard time in the afternoons. I'm not looking forward to the time change. They can't be let out in the mornings because...
  7. ChixMama

    Georgetown Texas

    Let them know your neighbors to the south, Round Rock, allows up to 5 chickens. Maybe a little "peer pressure" will help . As long as they are kept 25' away from the neighbor's home then it's ok. Our animal control is very supportive, too. When a "neighbor" called to complain that our...
  8. ChixMama

    Pasty butt as an adult?

    Our RIR, Lucy, keeps a dirty behind most of the time . Earlier this summer we gave her a warm shower and blow dry. My husband thinks we're crazy to run a chicken spa !! It has helped and she may need it again if her eggs start being "dirty" when they are laid.
  9. ChixMama

    Possum Question

    Thanks lbr...guess the dog will be on possum patrol in the evenings!
  10. ChixMama

    Possum Question

    Will possums bother chickens during the day or just at night? We had seen possums before we had chickens, but we have a LARGE one my husband saw on the back porch a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the night. Last night night when I went to close up the run (a little late) it was about 15'...
  11. ChixMama

    Attaching hardware cloth

    Screws/washers to attach to wood and zip ties for the hardware cloth onto the chain link. I did most of the run myself and I figured we could replace zip ties with wire once they start to fail. At least the zip ties are quick to get the right alignment and get it all put together. Have fun!
  12. ChixMama

    Steadfast's 1st Coop (Ton's of Photos)

    Steadfast, your coop is gonna be way too cool Of course I'm a little partial to coops made out of old swing sets (you can see on my page). I'm jealous you get to use the whole thing. Can't wait to see the updates
  13. ChixMama

    Coop resurrection-Update 6/9-Moved in and mostly DONE!

    What an incredible coop! I love seeing something brought back to life...if walls could talk (or bawkk! ) Thanks for sharing your journey and can't wait to see updated pictures.
  14. ChixMama

    Hysterical cartoon....why the chicken crossed the road

    Ok, so now I'll never look at a KFC sign the same Wish I could have made the cartoon bigger (like it was in the email) but I couldn't figure out a way. Chickens are funny
  15. ChixMama

    Hysterical cartoon....why the chicken crossed the road

    Cluckle...I love it We'll have a chicken "old chicks" home whenever they quit much personality & fun to have around...eggs or not!
  16. ChixMama

    Can someone please tell me why I never see roosts in the runs?

    We have a bunk bed ladder fastened to the side of the run so it's at an angle. After the girls eat in the morning I think it's a contest to see who can get on the top rung and be "queen of the ladder"! I'd like to find some large limbs to create a climbing/lounging area for them. Whatever...
  17. ChixMama

    New Octagon Coop Construction Underway - Progress

    Wow! This is so cool!!! Love to see the progress!
  18. ChixMama

    Dishpans in your nest boxes?

    We used "dishpans" that I found at the dollar store and they are working great. You don't need to clean them out very often, just fluff up the shavings/hay or add additional as they kick it out
  19. ChixMama

    Hysterical cartoon....why the chicken crossed the road

    My brother sent me this cartoon & I just howled
  20. ChixMama

    Reg's Coop Build Photo by Photo.

    You have a bee-u-tee-ful coop! What lucky chicks Thanks for sharing the pics!
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