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  1. Clumsabella

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    It's been nearly six years since I was last active on this site, but I appreciate the reminder to come on back and engage with the community again! In the time since I last posted, I graduated HS, went to university for a degree in (you guessed it!) agricultural science, and graduated with two...
  2. Clumsabella

    Need help sexing two blue birchen marans

    Hey all, coming back after nearly six years (and laughing at this thread) to say you were right! Bubbie was a boy all along! He passed this last spring from an illness he had been fighting for a while, but I think it's only fair that I provide a picture of the handsome boy all this time later...
  3. Clumsabella

    New Chicks Acting Sick

    So about a week afterwards, and I realized I hadn't updated. We got the nutri-drench and a heating pad, and stuck both in. Both chicks seemed to love the fake hen, and the nutridrench seemed to help for a little while. On Thursday, Dumpling passed away, most likely because she was just too...
  4. Clumsabella

    Chicken Getting Pecked At

    I'll try my best to give advice, as I'm still new to this. :) Personally, I found that if even if the wound isn't bleeding the chickens tend to peck at the odd patch of skin. I have a naked neck chicken, and for awhile this was a real problem for her, as the other chickens were very fond of...
  5. Clumsabella

    Need help sexing two blue birchen marans

    Hey everybody! Our first batch of chicks is a little over four weeks old, and I had originally thought that one of the two marans we bought was male due to their slow growth of pin and tail feathers. However, overnight the other maran seems to have grown a large comb and beginning waddles...
  6. Clumsabella

    New Chicks Acting Sick

    I will be on the lookout for a heating pad, but in the meantime I’ll get the temporary solution going. I am pretty sure I know what you mean by the setup, and will be trying that as soon as I get them moved into a separate, cooler cage.
  7. Clumsabella

    New Chicks Acting Sick

    I will make sure to turn down the heat, though I don’t have a heating pad and my local feed store doesn’t sell them. Can I use warm water in a bag covered with a towel or the like? I know it’s not the best solution but it’s all I’ve got right now. Or is there another way I may be able to make a...
  8. Clumsabella

    New Chicks Acting Sick

    I have already offered the smaller one minced boiled egg, and she refuses to eat the small chunks. I will try more sugar water with both and get minced egg to the larger one. These chicks are being kept indoors, and they have a wide range or temperature should they be too hot. At the far end the...
  9. Clumsabella

    New Chicks Acting Sick

    I have not seen any discharge from the eyes or nostrils of the chicks. For the smaller chick, her crop has not felt hard as she has not yet eaten any solid foods. The bigger one was eating normally until around 5pm yesterday, and has not eaten since. Her crop as far as I could tell was not hard...
  10. Clumsabella

    New Chicks Acting Sick

    I apologize if this isn’t the right thread to post this to, but I just recently acquired two new chicks that are as of today 5 days old. One is a red laced blue Wyandotte names Dumpling, and the other is an olive egger named Pickle. We began to notice a couple days ago that Dumpling was very...
  11. Clumsabella

    Stubborn Chicken

    I agree with what you’re saying, I doubt she actually has her coop mates’ best interests at heart. I have found, however, that there are three chickens in our coop that are never picked on by the others, and she is one. I read that the lead chicken will wait until the others are in before...
  12. Clumsabella

    Stubborn Chicken

    Mustard tends to be at the top of the food chain, and often waits outside before bed to make sure that everyone is accounted for, which I read was a sign of a dominant hen. I’m honestly truly puzzled as to why she’s so adamant on laying outside of the nests, so maybe she is still in a potty...
  13. Clumsabella

    Stubborn Chicken

    This spring we purchased 12 chicks of all different types, from naked neck to silkie, and are having a blast raising them. Recently, they have begun laying eggs (June?) and for awhile everything was going smoothly. Our coop has 6 nesting boxes and fake eggs to encourage them to lay inside of the...
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