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  1. Penturner


    Hey Ron, We got many of our hives by capturing swarms. We have even done a couple of cut outs. So we have been working hard to get them. We have gotten nearly 100 lbs of honey so far and looking at getting maybe 240 more or so. The of our hives are booming. two more are doing very well and the...
  2. Penturner


    Hello Ron, and everyone else. The Tobacco in Stagecoach was dead within two weeks. it never got watched on a daily basis. The stuff we grow in the back yard did fine and we have plants over a foot tall already this year. I hope our bees are doing as well as ours. when we visited you we had two...
  3. Penturner


    oops, the above should read $6.00 per lb. not just $6.
  4. Penturner


    Hello all, it has been a while. I actually do stop by and see what folks are up to from time to time. I just don't have time to post much. I have spent the last year keeping bees. The chickens not so much any more. They cost far to much to justify keeping them here in town. Anyway I wanted to...
  5. Penturner


    To bad you are not in Reno. I might have a very nice run available. I just got the idea to possible sell it from your post. I would have to pass it by my family since they helped build it. Sunny has seen it and it is built like a fortress. It would not be cheap though. I can't say at the moment...
  6. Penturner


    Not sure what you are actually thinking of as a fan and water combination. Do they come as a package? if so the fans are built to be used when wet. I repair electrical equipment that is intended to be used in water. There are differences. Coated wire connections. plugs that are filled with a...
  7. Penturner


    I still have two Aracauna roosters I need a home for. And they have to go one way or the other. So if no one wants to adopt them, is there anyone that will process them for me? I need something done with these two like yesterday. Actually several months ago. I can't process them here in town...
  8. Penturner


    Misters on an oscillating fan has one important difference. the water is not contained. in the swamp cooler pad the water remains in the pad only the cooled air passes through. Water and electricity do not mix. Also haw far msiters will get things wet varies with how hot or dry it is. so a set...
  9. Penturner

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I have two Auracauna we hatched last summer free. Prefer they are picked up but will work out details of shipping if necessary. We live in town and they are starting to get complaints from the neighbors about their crowing. Otherwise healthy happy and crowing. Please PM me if you are...
  10. Penturner

    Free Rosters!

    We have 2 roosters that have to go ASAP!!! Free to go to a new home. 775-378-0594.(my wife's number) The roosters are gonna get us in to trouble with the neighbors and the city if not gotten rid of.
  11. Penturner


    Hello All, Well I got to meet Ron last Saturday. It is starting to get that if I ever get stranded in Nevada at least I will have breakfast nearby. It was a nice visit and Ron is a wonderful fella. A really nice easy to access set up he has put together out there in Dayton. We didn't get to dig...
  12. Penturner


    Sunny, you know where to find me. your welcome any time. I have gear to help you feel safe, and you can stand as far away as you feel safe. I can promise you it doesn't take long to realize the bees are not all angry and on the attack. nearly everyone I have ever shown them to are standing right...
  13. Penturner


    Ron, We started with a strong 5 frame nuc so the queen was laying right from the get go. I also meddled a bit and think I struck upon something that caused the bees to draw out frames faster. rather than place the 5 fraems fromt he nuc int eh center of the box I put 3 of them in the center and...
  14. Penturner


    Ron, I started my hive on the 14th of last month. It now has 2 deep bodies with brood in both and one med honey super we put on 4 days ago. They have nto done anything with that med box yet and still have a little ways to fill up the second super. We took off the sugar water when we added the...
  15. Penturner


    Hi Missy, We are still looking for land to do a lot more. If you do get into cheese I am interested in learning it myself. We are still working on the bars from our first batch of soap. We made a ton so I'm not sure just how soon we will have to do it again. I think we will ahve to give it away...
  16. Penturner


    Hello everyone. I hope all is well with everyone. Sunny I noticed you posted you are moving??? Ae you leaving the place in red rock already? I know I am way out of the loop on this group. We have all been very busy around here. Our tobacco is almost completely planted, nearly 1800 plants total...
  17. Penturner


    I wish I had room for a garden. All the space I have will be used for growing tobacco. At least it is one thing I can grow and actually save money doing it. Lots of money. I spent yesterday making a Bee Vac. It is used for removing bees from walls roofs or other places where they have set up...
  18. Penturner


    A bit of an update to what I have been up to. Most of the stuff for our tobacco growing came in this past week. Not one order came in correct or complete so that is frustrating. I am waiting for people to reply to my e-mails. Hopefully I will know more about the missing items this afternoon...
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