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  1. lyndatu

    Please help on how to cut wood!

    Hello and thanks, everyone! I always thought wood working was something complex, but I guess I was wrong! I never thought of a wood chisel - I'll start using it too. Thanks for the websites. DH also don't want me using power tools. Thanks for the instructions! I'll start doing projects for my...
  2. lyndatu

    Please help on how to cut wood!

    Hello I have seen nice pictures of the Coop Design section of this site and I want to do some wood working of my own for my chickens. But I don't have any experience in carpentry! We have lots of old wood in our shed, but I don't know how to use them. I don't know how to make complex cuts on...
  3. lyndatu

    What types of vegetables and herbs can grow in tropical regions?

    Hello Sorry if I posted this gardening question here, but here goes! I'm planning to set up a backyard vegetable garden to save some money and to have fresh, delicious greens. I will build a large fence with a wire roof to prevent the chickens from breaking in. I would like to plant some...
  4. lyndatu

    A Broody Hen Hurts Its Baby

    My broody hen hurts its baby,when she scratches the soil she also:smacksratches its baby.The cute chick:jumpyis also so thin baby always falling onto the ground,the chick is so poor:hide,I tried to get the chick but broody hen:cd almost peck me:somad.So what should I do?
  5. lyndatu

    How to know if incubated egg is dead?

    Thank you everyone! I'll give her another day to sit on her eggs. I hope the eggs are alive........ Yes, I am looking forward to putting her and her nest in the quarantine coop, but I'm afraid that she might not sit on the eggs anymore if I do it early. I'll just wait until the eggs hatch or...
  6. lyndatu

    How to know if incubated egg is dead?

    Hello In the last several weeks our hen Danica became broody so we decided to put 4 eggs of my other hens under her. Just yesterday we found a little chick chirping about under her, but she is still sitting on the nest. The 3 eggs are not yet hatched. I was planning to put her inside a small...
  7. lyndatu

    detailed amateur guide to construct a chicken run?

    Hello We are planning to make a summer chicken run for the chickens during the hot season. But unfortunately I do not know how......... Can you help me? A very basic, large, enclosed rectangular frame made of wood and hardware cloth would do. I am a real newbie in the carpentry world, do you...
  8. lyndatu

    How make easy garden fence for chickens?

    Thanks for the replies everyone! Unfortunately we do not have wooden snow fence here in our place, but still thank you very much. I might be able to do Akane's method - cheap, simple and easy enough for me. I'll look for the fiberglass rods in the stores, we have lots of mesh in our house. But...
  9. lyndatu

    How make easy garden fence for chickens?

    Hello, there! I am planning to start a small vegetable garden in my backyard, but the yard is home to free-range chickens. According to some sources, chickens will destroy all the plants in their path. A fence around the garden patch would be handy to keep the chickens away, but I want a...
  10. lyndatu

    Got my chicks this morning!!!! *pics*

    Very cute chicks! Congratulations! Sorry for the loss, but be happy! You got lots of chicks! That silkie chick looks adorable. My guess is the peanut ones might be Rhode Island Reds or New Hampshire Reds. I have New Hampshire Reds and they look similar to those chicks, but they might be...
  11. lyndatu

    Broody hen! Advice, please.

    Thank you for the replies, everyone! I just noticed that when we moved her to the coop, she has 12 eggs under her, so no need to add more eggs. But I have another problem: When she was now in the coop she was panicking all around and not minding the eggs in the nest box. She is now in the run...
  12. lyndatu

    Broody hen! Advice, please.

    Hello We have a native hen named Danica that suddenly visited our backyard and decided to call it home. She's a nervous chicken, but last week she suddenly disappeared. My daughter said she saw Danica, but angry and clucking all the time. One day we spotted her pecking at the yard, and we...
  13. lyndatu

    messy looking chicken bottom

    My hens also get pasty butts in the rainy season here in the Philippines, but when I clean their butts up it doesn't get dirty anymore. Yes, Sunshine might have Diarreha(stop giving her veggie treats for a while and feed oatmeal). As to bietsch624, the same thing happened to me. My little hen...
  14. lyndatu

    Adding a Roo for the ladies

    What a lucky roo! a single rooster can fertilize 10 hens well. He could take on the entire flock of 28, but do not expect an extreme amount of fertile eggs(at least that's what I heard). If you would like to give the ladies a roo to keep them "company", the roo would be very happy to do so, but...
  15. lyndatu

    What gender is my chicken?

    He/she is a beautiful bird. It looks like a pullet; I noticed on my chicks that as early as 1 month their combs are already a bit big, and they turn to be roosters. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure it's a pullet. I also have a technique - when they are in their feathering stage, I look at...
  16. lyndatu

    Chicken feet with rash(please help)

    Thank you for all your kind concern. Hmmm......a bacterial infection is also what I thought, because on her feet it looks very much like blood patches under her skin. Thank you for the info. And good news, my mom doesn't want to eat the chicken anymore(double-dead), and we buried it it the...
  17. lyndatu

    Friendly hen turning nasty towards her chicks

    It also happened to my native hen Jessica. She became broody for about a month, but then suddenly it's like she doesn't know them anymore at all and when she meets her chick, "Do I know you?" *Peck* I agree with the others - henny is now done and it's time for the chicks to be on their own...
  18. lyndatu

    Chicken feet with rash(please help)

    Hello again..... I went to the backyard today after work but I did not see Rexie there. I asked my mom if she's seen them, but unfortunately Rexie is dead. I told them not to eat the body, but they won't listen.....well, they dissected the poor corpse and near the vent area, they saw an...
  19. lyndatu

    Chicken feet with rash(please help)

    Sorry about the delay of pics! The camera is fully charged but it's nighttime already......I'll post a pic tomorrow asap!
  20. lyndatu

    Chicken feet with rash(please help)

    Thank you for the reply! I'm also not sure if it's rash, but pinkish-red areas all over the feet. I hope I get a treatment reply soon...... Will vaseline and some water work? I knew it. I knew no shelter for the chickens is wrong. But I have found that our wood stacking area is perfect for...
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