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  1. Laura lim

    silkie sexing

    Any ideas on the sex of the silkie.
  2. Laura lim

    silkie sexing

    I had no clue that even existed
  3. Laura lim

    silkie sexing

    Alright I only have this one silkie. I ordered 10 laced wyandotte and two of them are not wyandotte. Here is the silkie I have the white on the black roo I don't even know what kind of chicken he is any thoughts
  4. Laura lim

    Rouen Duck thread

    Ok I'm am new to Rouen and so confused as to the sex of my 4 2 month old ducklings. Can anyone help. Sorry this is as close as I can get to them without them going nuts.
  5. Laura lim

    Just wanting to make sure of gendar

    Would a male pelvis be able to fit two fingers in pelvic home area? Cause I can fit two fingers in the pelvic bone area of the chicken in question. My other 4 month old rooster I can't. I'm really wanting to make sure cause if it's a rooster it's going to be culled.
  6. Laura lim

    Just wanting to make sure of gendar

    so I pulled some feathers this morning from the chicken in question the other hen and my easter egger rooster. The EE is then one on the left and the chicken in question is in the center. I can see how pointed a rooser hackel feathers are. But this chicken is so confusing
  7. Laura lim

    Just wanting to make sure of gendar

    My BR's legs are no were near that yellow and neather is it's beak. And it's face is not that red eather. Man I'm so confused about this chicken. No crow yet or eggs and if it's a girl I most likely won't have eggs till spring. Non in my flock are laying.
  8. Laura lim

    Just wanting to make sure of gendar

    Is this chicken is a hen would she be fighting the roo because he's a month younger than her?
  9. Laura lim

    Just wanting to make sure of gendar

    saddle feather ends
  10. Laura lim

    Just wanting to make sure of gendar

    I don't see any saddle feather on this BR. But I'm new and may not know exactly what I'm looking for. So here are some more pictures
  11. Laura lim

    Just wanting to make sure of gendar

    Well i thought it was a hen.
  12. Laura lim

    Just wanting to make sure of gendar

    Im still new to chickens. My very fist chicks I have ever owned are now 5 months old. I just want to be positive they are hens. No crowing or eggs yet. But the bar rock with the bigger comb fights my roo. The bigger combed ones tail is different to. Just wanting to make sure. Was told both were...
  13. Laura lim

    Frizzled Easter Eggers (EE - some sexlinked)

    I know this is an old post but I just hatched my first Cochin/easter egger cross and was wondering which is which.
  14. Laura lim

    New Mexico

    YeH I only have one laying hen to. She is a fravolles. I have 8 others that I'm doing the waiting game with. I was really hoping they would stArt before the cold season. Well keep our fingers crossed though. It's still been t shirt weather out here in alb. So maybe.
  15. Laura lim

    New Mexico

    I know it's been so quiet here. I think most people are on Facebook pages
  16. Laura lim

    New Mexico

    He is taken
  17. Laura lim

    New Mexico

    Any one in the abq area that wants a beautiful sea bright Bantum roo.
  18. Laura lim

    New Mexico

    at is awesome. I'm working on a small batch of easter egger cochin cross eggs.
  19. Laura lim

    Pullets or cockrel

    That Brahma is going to be interesting cause it's a Brahma roo fravolles hen cross. Trying for bearded Brahma lol.
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