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  1. janetdieter


    I need some advice... My white leghorn is laying double yolk eggs every day. Should I be concerned?? The eggs are huge and she hasn't missed a day!
  2. janetdieter

    Adding a slightly older pullet to my small flock- need advice :-)

    Isn’t he handsome?? And very quiet too!!
  3. janetdieter

    Adding a slightly older pullet to my small flock- need advice :-)

    Just wanted to post a pick of Minnie Pearl hanging out with her new flock. No blood was shed adding her to my other girls
  4. janetdieter

    Adding a slightly older pullet to my small flock- need advice :-)

    Follow up on the integration!! Our new chicken arrived last Wednesday. She is about 4-5 weeks older than our current flock (as a matter of fact, she laid an egg today!!) So for 3 days we had her in the run extension during the day blocked away from the others, and in the main coop at night for...
  5. janetdieter


    Thank you Molpet!
  6. janetdieter


    Hi All! So glad I found you! Thank you Justso for directing me here! I'm a newbie in the far west Chicago suburbs. I received (6) "4-9 week old" pullets the last week of February from McMurray. I think they were pretty close to 4 weeks old but you guys can probably tell me better... So...
  7. janetdieter

    Adding a slightly older pullet to my small flock- need advice :-)

    Justso Thank you so much!!! I knew it had to be possible!! I will head over to the Illinois thread and continue this conversation.... BTW - "Minnie Pearl" arrived today!
  8. janetdieter

    Adding a slightly older pullet to my small flock- need advice :-)

    I had hoped for more assistance from experienced owners. Thank you aart for the link. It helps.
  9. janetdieter

    Adding a slightly older pullet to my small flock- need advice :-)

    Thank you for the information, but I am looking for help on how to add a single bird. I understand that it may not be advisable, and will be sure I have hiding places and extra feed/water stations. But I know it has been done and am hoping for some assistance from someone who has done this.
  10. janetdieter

    Adding a slightly older pullet to my small flock- need advice :-)

    Hi all! The end of February I got 6 (all different breeds) pullets at 4-6 weeks old. Last week I lost one of them. I want to "replace" her. In two weeks I will be getting a slightly older pullet (she will be a couple weeks older than my flock). She is going to look like the chicken I lost...
  11. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    Betty ( aka “Betty White” ) passed away quietly last night. :hit
  12. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    Wow! Great information! We’ve been giving her b vitamins - yes we have to syringe them into her mouth. I just read about flushing yesterday. I have Epsom salts - will try that today. Need to get molasses. I will search for how to do it. And we made her a sling yesterday. Need to figure out...
  13. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    I they find a small piece of metal (screw, nail, anything shiny) they could eat it. It causes metal toxicity. I'm not an expert, I just read about it myself. I'm trying everything I can find that may be wrong with poor little Betty! I'm hoping this is it - and looking for any information...
  14. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    Ok, she's still alive but still not standing. Could this be metal toxicity???
  15. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    Well, she's still alive. Yesterday she could support her weight with her right leg but had no balance. She's still eating and drinking a little for us. She's a fighter!! Still giving her yogurt and Pedialyte along with her food. If it was Marek's would she still be alive? It's been 4 days.
  16. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    Will they still get it if they’ve been vaccinated?
  17. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    I should mention that she does kick her legs around and try to flap her wings. She just cannot stand up. When I pick her up and hold her on her feet her feet are not in the proper position and she cannot support herself. But she can move her legs and wings.
  18. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    Thank you! I did bring her inside. I didn’t know if it was respiratory so I got her to drink some water with some Vet RX in it. It said you could rub a little under her wings and when I lifted her wing to do that I noticed she had no feathers under her wings. My husband ran to the store and...
  19. janetdieter

    9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

    I still need help! I've gotten her to drink a little water with Vetrx in it, and now pedialite. Don't know what else to do. I could use some advice: What do chickens look like that have mites/lice? Could they need to be wormed? Thanks!
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