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  1. Covered Run

    Covered Run

  2. Bob L S Member Page

    Bob L S Member Page

    My wife and I love living in our hideaway in the woods with all the wild animals our goats and of course chickens! Pic of wife and kids And my little buddy Lenny ! This years we started with 34 day old chicks in a 4x8 brooder, 7 Light Brahmas, 5 Partridge Rocks, 5 Black...
  3. Bob L.

    LlanoLonghorn's coop progress pictures

    I've been watching this thread, I'll be building a coop soon. Very nice ! Bob
  4. Bob L.

    Indiana Chicken People (list)

    Thanks for the info Joe, I just updated my location! Were between Bloomington and Spencer. Bob
  5. Bob L.

    Worm question

    I just ask the Vet about the chickens getting the worms from the goat pasture and was told it shouldnt be a problem. Bob
  6. Bob L.

    Worm question

    We have Boer goats and one has a worm problem and is being treated. Do chickens get the same type of worms (like the barber pole worm?) The reason I ask is we been collecting clover and grass from the pasture for the chickens and the the worms have part of their life cycle on the ground and...
  7. Bob L.

    Battery Powered Heat Lamp Question Just a thought, maybe use something like this away from the coop? Bob
  8. Bob L.

    New Coop/RunTractor is Finally Done!!!!!

    Hey that looks really nice! I like it! Bob
  9. Bob L.

    To Door, Or Not To Door, That is the Question???

    Doesnt look like you really need a door the way your coop is set up but it would help when it's cold out Bob
  10. Bob L.

    Heated Chicken Coop Mat

    My BIL used to raise hogs and used heated mats for the babies, he gave me a few for the pythons I was raising. They come in all sizes here is an example of them,,;ft1_hog_management-ft1_brooders_heat_mats;pg106120.html Oh their fiberglass and safe to...
  11. Bob L.

    Tsáchila Tribe of Ecuador Chicken Coop, And Australia and....

    Quote: I would love to have the door on the left for my new coop! Where are you finding these ah, creative coops ? Bob
  12. Bob L.

    Tacky coop & run contest ****Update: It's time to vote!!!!!***

    MomtoSyd&Emma : Can I play too? lol Here is our newest coop to be, we have been working on it on the weekends and when money will allow (not to often) it will be attached to the run area that is beside it after we make the fencing taller and cover it. when we started it:(dh and oldest DD...
  13. Bob L.

    Tsáchila Tribe of Ecuador Chicken Coop, And Australia and....

    Quote: Yep thats a fine example of using whats availible Bob
  14. Bob L.

    Tsáchila Tribe of Ecuador Chicken Coop, And Australia and....

    Thats really interesting. You use what you have availible I guess, that looks pretty wild. Thanks for posting the pics! Bob
  15. Bob L.

    Best Chicken Tractor A-Round

    Thats really cool! I would never thought of using recycled satellite dishes. Looks like a little grain storage bin. Good job! Bob
  16. Bob L.

    Our covered chicken run is about done!

    crazyhen, thanks for the comments Others have told me that would be a good ideal to use the smaller wire around the bottom. I agree after trying to build the run critter proof as possible I would be pretty upset to lose just one! When there roosting at night they are away from the sides and out...
  17. Bob L.

    Our covered chicken run is about done!

    Im about ready to start on the coop there is enough metal left for the roof but not the sides. I was thinking about a 8 or 10 x 12 coop, my thought was to extend the run and build the coop on the end but since I dont have the metal for the sides I think it will be detached? I'm still trying to...
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