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  1. L

    Bare behind.

    Thank you for commenting. If she does have embedded pin feathers should I try and remove them?
  2. L

    Bare behind.

    Can anyone see my pics now? Food for thought...if she does have mites then I wonder why the other two have fluffy pretty bottoms.
  3. L

    Bare behind.

    Forgot to upload. Sorry.
  4. L

    Bare behind.

    Hi. I have one hen who has a very small amount of feathers on her bottom. She's red and almost looks scarlet in places I first thought yeast but I Give yogurt and probiotics regularly. She's eating great and I haven't seen the other two pulling her feathers. I checked for mites and live and...
  5. L


    Hi all. My name is Leslie and I joined up about two months ago. We have 3 chickens...only started with 4 but one had sour crop and she was too far gone when I finally found out the problem. These chickens were an unexpected gift to my husband but I absolutely love them. They are a good hobby for...
  6. L

    Please help solution.

    Just an update on my hen that is/was sick. She seemed to be feeling better last night. Still wouldn't eat but drank as much as I offered. I took her to the vet today. More or less, he simply confirmed what I told him about sour crop(info I learned from you all)...thanks to all...he read info...
  7. L

    Hen vomiting

    Hey. Would you mind telling me what happened with the bird you posted about here.
  8. L

    Anyone With Helpful Pics?

    Good morning. I am a newbie with chickens and I was thinking that it would be very helpful if I had pictures of birds with problems...ex. bird with mites, bird with lice, etc. My "Go To" book has no pics. Thanks for your consideration and any pics.
  9. L

    Please Help

    Ok. So are you saying to worm her or do other meds down the throat? Which one. She drank this morning about 8 drinks. I then tried to give her a tiny bite of pancake and she took it from my hand, dropped it, then tried to pick it up but water came out her mouth/nose so she didn't pick it up. I...
  10. L

    Please Help

    Shes not eating or drinking. I brought her inside and she is on a table in a dog crate. She feels safe and is lying down. I felt I had to bring her in because the other three were picking on her.
  11. L

    Please Help

    She will NOT eat or drink now. Any suggestions?
  12. L

    Please Help

    Yes. Crop feels soft and normal sized. Her usual feed is laying pellets, some black oil sunflower seeds occasionally, and scratch feed at night. Sometimes mealworms and dried crickets only twice but last time about two weeks ago. Tummy is soft but she's very thin. Her poop yesterday was gray and...
  13. L

    Please Help

    Thanks. Live in nc so weather is usually pretty mild. We've had a couple of cold days but nothing like zero. The run is 10 x 10. We let them free range about 1 hour every other day. Is is one of for birds we have. There coup Is approx. 4 ' high x 36" deep x 5' feet long. I clean it and the run...
  14. L

    Please Help

    I don't think so. Shes with all the others and they don't have any problem. She also wasn't the lowest in the pecking order until sh got sick
  15. L

    Please Help

    Crop is soft and not even visible. Her waddles aren't nearly as red as they were day before yesterday. Shes really skinny but don't see any lice, mites, etc. She has no odors coming from her mouth but she got clear liwuid spilling from her mouth. We've had these birds two months but never wormed...
  16. L

    Please Help

    Hi. I'm new here. Have a chicken thats about 1 year old. She's sick. This past Sunday she started keeping her feathers all puffed out...thought she may be eggbound. Checked her vent inside and out. Everything was normal. Brought her inside and kept her in a crate for 24 hours to monitor her...
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