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  1. BunnyTree

    Momma hen questions

    Do I need to have chick feed around for when she kicks them out of the nesting box? Also, the box is about 2' off the ground, will that fall/jump be a problem?
  2. BunnyTree

    Momma hen questions

    Hello! For the first time ever I had a broody hen hatch some eggs! Woohoo!!! But now i have questions...Her first two chicks hatched Saturday morning, then another Sunday morning, one Sunday night, and then another is working its way out of its shell right now (Monday morning) So my question is...
  3. BunnyTree

    Comment by 'BunnyTree' in article 'Mixed flocks - How does it work?'

    I had ducks and chickens together for a while and it worked out really well...I would recommend having a drake (male duck) if you have roosters though, The roosters would try mating with the ducks but would never get farther than chasing them because of my trusty drake ;) I would recommend...
  4. BunnyTree

    What gender is my chick ? 14 weeks old

    yeah totally looks like a pullet face but rooster tail...Im leaning towards rooster though because this breed ussualy has a smaller comb/wattles
  5. BunnyTree

    IDK what's wrong

    This is a completely wild guess and is probably not the problem but...I had a rooster that acted like this because he had somehow managed to get a string wrapped around his tongue have you checked in her mouth? Again i doubt this is the problem but just thought i would suggest it. Hope she makes...
  6. BunnyTree

    Bugs in the rabbit shed

    Solid floors
  7. BunnyTree

    Bugs in the rabbit shed

    I just cleaned out the rabbit shed and realized that there were many bugs under the straw (ants,flies and other little black bugs) and I know that this can be a major problem for bunnies...I don't really want to buy a bug repellant because even though it says "rabbit safe" I still don't trust...
  8. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    (I don't know if it makes a difference but i do have to pick her up to get her in and out of her cage):)
  9. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    Ok,I feel bad for her because she is just cooped up in her cage , while the other bunny gets a couple hours of play time every day...Should I still allow her outdoor playtime everyday? Because I have heard you should not pick up or hold a pregnant doe.
  10. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    She was laying on her side yesterday but I wasn't sure if she was just relaxing or being uncomfortable (lol)...she seemed heavier but not bigger. Can you always see the babies kicking or is this just in some cases? I have seen movements but wasn't sure if it was just her stomach moving or the...
  11. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    I am sorry for all of these questions...But, Do pregnant does usually look larger and or more rounded?
  12. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    Does anyone think it is "safe" to palpate her? Because I am assuming that she is pretty close to delivering (if she is pregnant) and everyone says to palpate from day 10 to day this just preference and I should try or should I just wait and see? (note that i have never palpated before :)
  13. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    So, still no kits...My does ears have been down pretty much all day, is this bad or does it mean anything?
  14. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    The last time he was in her cage was about a week ago, but he had definitely been in her cage before that.
  15. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    Does the fact that this is (or would be if she is pregnant:)) her first litter have anything to do with how well she takes care of the kits, what time of day they are born or anything like that?
  16. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    It has probably been about a week since he has gotten in to her cage...give or take
  17. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    Also i have heard it is good to feed your pregnant rabbit rolled oats...does it have to specifically be rolled oats or can you use old fashioned oats, whole grain oats, etc...
  18. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    the cages are side by side and the buck kept getting out and in to her's (no matter how many attempts i tried to keep him out) but i now have a new cage that i know he can not get out of
  19. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    yes i do have a nesting box...and i will check out that website:)
  20. BunnyTree

    Netherland dwarf rabbit pregnant HELP!!!!

    Soooo... I am pretty sure that my Netherland dwarf rabbit is pregnant! (was not expecting that!) She has pushed all of her straw to the back corner of her cage and there was a huge pile of fur (also i have noticed that she has been quite moody)I have heard that rabbits usually have babies in the...
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