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    Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

    Hello, I don't have any questions but appreciate you taking the time to answer people's questions!
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    Why is my chicken crouching when i come?

    I'm not sure if someone said this but chickens will also crouch to get low and flat to the ground. This helps them hide from large birds like hawks that may try to pick them up. If they only crouch when you come near, yes, they are probably taking you as their rooster. I have six hens and only...
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    Chicks seem werid

    Can you please give an update on what happened?
  4. Pelletized Bedding / Shavings

    Pelletized Bedding / Shavings

    Hello BYC'ers, I have asked questions in the past, but never posted about something I learned. Anyways, I'll get straight to the point. I have discovered one of the most game-changing products for chickens, horses, and really any small animal. Pelletized shavings. I have had my first flock...
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    Are certain breeds predisposed to be higher in the pecking order than others?

    There are breeds that tend to be more agressive, but I think that when your birds are happy, they tend to pick on each other less. RIRs are more aggressive, wyndottes are calm, and leghorns are a little flighty but not aggressive, but that is just the standard. You just need to make sure all the...
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    Chicken with leg injury/issue

    If you look at her right leg in the video, you can see that is pops outward when she steps with it. Thank you for the help. It is REALLY appreciated.
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    It’s time to transition pullets and I don’t know how

    While the chicks are still ranging in size, you can build a chicken door between two coops/runs that is small enough to let the babies in and out but keep the adults out. This way the small ones can go between spaces but the adult can not. This way the small ones have a space to retreat to if...
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    Chicken with leg injury/issue

    Hi, A few days ago my chicken started having issues with her right leg. She is 2 years old and has never had any issues before. When she steps, her leg pops outward at the knee area. She is not acting like she is in pain but something is clearly wrong. Does anyone know what the issue could be...
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    Chicken with leg issue, possibly dislocated or broken

    Hello, Today I noticed that one of my six hens was slightly limping on her right leg. She is not acting in pain but it is clear that something is wrong. I did not want to waste any time seeing if it would go away and have not consulted a vet but plan too immediately. She is a two years old...
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    Keeping Chickens Cool

    I am also now realizing that I had planned in putting a BIG block of ice in their foot bath (kitty pool). My only worry is that they will try to jump on top of the block and slip when they land. I don’t want them to pull a muscle or twist a leg. Do you know a way to prevent that? Thank you all...
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    Keeping Chickens Cool

    Those are all great ideas. Thank you so much. Their entire run is shaded except for a small part in the morning. We are using the deep-litter method in the coop and run, so they can’t forage in their run. We do let them run around our property for a while each day, but we can’t when we are out...
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    Keeping Chickens Cool

    Thank you so much for those ideas. I will definitely use them. I have 2 speckled Sussex, 2 barred rocks, and 2 buff Orpingtons. I have tried the foot bath and about half of them like it, but the others are scared of it. We are going to try putting frozen fruit in the water to entice them in. I...
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    Keeping Chickens Cool

    Hello, I have a flock of six hens that are just over a year old. Our area has a heat watch for 107 and up over the next 3-4 days. My family and I have planned to go to the beach this weekend. We have someone who is going to come by our house once a day to do daily care. I saw ways to make DIY...
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    Chicken's Leg Hurt

    no cuts that i can see. should she be fine tomorrow? or is it going to take more time? P.S. love your profile picture, looks just like the chicken i am talking about.
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    Chicken's Leg Hurt

    hello, my hen had her leg pinched in the door to the coop. she seemed to be limping around a bit, but then it became hard to tell. she is 18 weeks old and very healthy. she is walking around, but she doesn't go far, and sometimes she just stands with the pinched leg slightly off the ground. she...
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    Chickens Beak Bleeding

    thank you so much. I know I will be watching for predators. I am going to check the coop for rough spots. thanks again
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    Chickens Beak Bleeding

    Hello, I have six chickens that have lived together their whole lives. about a week ago I realized that one of them had a cut in her beak that was bleeding. today I noticed that they all have cut that are bleeding. the blood seems to have dried. some cases are more severe than others. the...
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    How much grit do chickens need?

    I know this like the most late post ever but I think I know the answer. the chart on my grit packaging says that they switch from chick grit to poultry grit at seven weeks of age. at 18 weeks of age they use poultry grit and oyster shell. hope this helps even if it was late.
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    gold ring test

    thank you so much. I have another chick that has their white strips already. (also 4 weeks old). do you think that the chick that I thought was a rooster could have problems because she has not white strips? or is she just a different color? by the way, I'm 11 and these are my first batch up...
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