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  1. foxflower

    Do summer chicks orders have higher mortality?

    Brooder is always on before they arrive. QuikChik or probiotic vitamin water in the water at 1/4 tsp per quart. Medicated chick starter in the feeder and on top of paper towels which cover wood shavings. Some ground fine, but not all. New waterer each time & brand stinking new brooder...
  2. foxflower

    Do summer chicks orders have higher mortality?

    I have been ordering chicks by mail for years now as well as rasing chicks I've bought from local farm supply businesses and even occasionally hatched chicks myself. So while I am not an expert, I am experienced. One early spring with an order of 15 tiny bantams along with some standards I had...
  3. foxflower

    Hey!!!!!!......It's National Chicken Lady Day!!!!!!!!!!

    It's that time of year again ladies.......Happy National Chicken Lady day. Thank you Dr. Dupree. If you all want another link about the day and a way to get updates yourself on every national day, try this. Seriously, and humorously, the national day calender will keep you laughing and amazed...
  4. foxflower

    Anyone else have Yaks?

    Hi Eden Springs. I found this thread while looking for something else and thought I'd reply to your post. Lamb replacer is one of the preferred replacers for yak calves, though some people mix it with calf manna. There is also a yak replacer availabe from called YakGro. Technical...
  5. foxflower

    Campine Chicken thread?

    I think it takes about 3 weeks for a roosters "contribution" to leave the hen's system. So, if the friesians were kept with campines, that would make sense.
  6. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Some breeds seem to crow early. Campines are a good example. They reliably start crowing at 7 weeks or so. I have some bantams that I got in May and one of them is crowing (not sure which one).
  7. foxflower

    Campine Chicken thread?

    She'll be pretty and lay pretty eggs then ;)
  8. foxflower

    Campine Chicken thread?

    It definitely has campine markings on the head.....can't tell you what gender.
  9. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    chicksooner, you could sever the head entirely instead. There is less technique to that.
  10. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    If you really can't do it, and the only problem with the boys is that they are too big, maybe a few huge hens are all they need. Do you have room for some jersey giants? Those things are like small turkeys. Otherwise, you'll get through it and next year you'll be very careful about how you...
  11. foxflower

    Differences EE, Ameraucana, & Araucana * Pls post pics*

    IF the only color on it is dark greys it's probably a blue. As to whether or not it'll change when all the feathers are in, I wouldn't care to guess. On a blue the head at least is a darker grey.
  12. foxflower

    best hatchery for salmon faverolles?

    Will do, thanks keesmom.
  13. foxflower

    best hatchery for salmon faverolles?

    I guess I'll just have to wait and see. They shorted me a chick too, which I wasn't going to complain about since the always send 1 extra (of a different breed though). But IF these are all roos they are definitely hearing from me. Thanks for the help keesmom.
  14. foxflower

    best hatchery for salmon faverolles?

    I ordered pullets only. They are close to 2 weeks old. No body feathers yet. I don't remember my past pullets wings looking like this. They are very fluffy, which I was glad about. Let's see if I can upload a couple pictures. You can see why I didn't call it black...its really more...
  15. foxflower

    best hatchery for salmon faverolles?

    Honeyandhens....I'm curious how your pullets turned out. I have 5 from McMurray and at 1 week old they all have dark grey wing tips. I sure hope they didn't send me 5 roos.
  16. foxflower

    Differences EE, Ameraucana, & Araucana * Pls post pics*

    Those do look like EEs. I can't really see the feathered faces, but some EEs don't have them. They are pretty girls.
  17. foxflower

    Campine Chicken thread?

    Yes, roo would be my guess because the comb is so large and bright. You won't know for sure for a few weeks yet then he'll probably start to crow. I just brought 5 new golden campine chick home that are dunlap stock.....straight run.
  18. foxflower

    Hatch-ALong - Setting first eggs 4/5, hatch day 4/26. Anyone want to join me?

    Thank you. So far they're doing pretty good. Down to 15 out of 24. I think those evil magpies ate the ones the hen was sitting on.
  19. foxflower

    Hatch-ALong - Setting first eggs 4/5, hatch day 4/26. Anyone want to join me?

    dretd -- my original set got eaten by something. I have eggs set to hatch in a week and someone wanted to see pictures when they do, so I'm still hanging out here.
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