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  1. Grits&Eggs

    When Can I Start Putting Training Eggs in the Nest Boxes?

    i put golf balls in as soon as I opened the boxes (about 3m), they would walk in and look around but when they started testing the golf balls (pushing them around) a couple months later, next week they started laying.
  2. Grits&Eggs

    I caught a snake, I need names!!!

    what about "fang"? he bit you seven times, you are a snake lover for sure, I would have send him packing after one.
  3. Grits&Eggs

    Our new coop

    how awesome! looks very functional and comfy. lots of head room for you too!
  4. Grits&Eggs

    My 1st coop,. Ml

    cute - lets see the inside pics
  5. Grits&Eggs

    Free ranging and chicken hawks

    i don't "free" range but I can let them loose in a fenced area covered by a hawk net. I have let them run most of the day on the weekends when I am around to "save" them if they start having a squawk fest. One time a squirrel came in and started eating out of their food dish and those cowards...
  6. Grits&Eggs

    Henhouse layout

    we put ours on the far side away from the door as well. And, recently i started putting in extra baskets after they leave the coop for the day and i have noticed they like the one closest to the pop door but surrounded one three of the four sides. Also, I painted the inside of the nesting...
  7. Grits&Eggs

    Advise about mold/rot on new coops

    can you return the coops? - sounds like you got a bad one, it shouldn't be rotted right out of the box - the TSC by me is good - they should take it back
  8. Grits&Eggs

    Sudden onset chick constipation

    did you say you were squeezing your chicks to make them poop? sounds painful for them
  9. Grits&Eggs

    Bald Eagles are after our chickens

    my husband and I built chunnels, that can be moved, of chicken wire and hardware cloth stapled to 2x4s that they use to move about the yard. I don't have eagles, but I have hawks and dang big crows that come down and even peck at my 5 lb papillon dog. if you can't free range (I can't) this is...
  10. Grits&Eggs

    What do you do with all those eggs?

    what are you doing to your eggs that they would sue you or get sick? I wouldn't worry about that, I even gave some to the boy scouts this year for their pancake breakfast. NOTE: I pull mine out of the nest wipe off any feathers, poop etc box them up and give them away, never had a problem yet...
  11. Grits&Eggs

    Chicken with "swollen" eyes

    when my marans eye swelled I tried everything, after two weeks I finally decided to bring her to the vet and got an antibiotic cream to put in the eye and boom, gone in a couple days.
  12. Grits&Eggs

    Coop Run flooring suggestions

    Hi - am in Florida, tried sand, was easy to scoop but held puddles during the rains :-/ then, I got a chipdrop (from and raised my run up almost a foot, and- viola - no puddles or muck all fall/winter!! I did however forget to put down mesh wire under it and it is now mostly dirt...
  13. Grits&Eggs

    Comment by 'Grits&Eggs' in article 'Deep Litter Method - The Easiest Way To Deal With Chicken Litter'

    Here in Florida, I get ants galore build up, tried this method and had to stop :-( because of the insects!
  14. Grits&Eggs

    Help! Chicks dying!

    I usually keep mine separate from the flock until they are about 5 weeks, so not sure - could they be bullied by the rest of the flock?
  15. Grits&Eggs

    Monumental mistake. Will they be ok?

    i found an old xylophone and put that in with them, so much fun to see them "playing" with it!
  16. Grits&Eggs

    Run size

    yes, bigger than mine and I have 12 now!! but I did add a day pen so they have a second area
  17. Grits&Eggs

    Monumental mistake. Will they be ok?

    yikes, hopefully they will be fine. I set my alexa to remind me to feed and check water twice a day, for all the birds, dogs, cats, etc. too much going on for me to remember everything! also I added a second bowl of food and waterer, just in case, lol
  18. Grits&Eggs

    New friends ☺️

    adorable is right! both of them :love
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