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  1. VictoryinTruth

    I'm hoping for roo

    These are my glw.... Please tell me I have a roo. One of them is a darker gold color feathers and comb is a dark red. Which I'm suspecting is my roo.
  2. VictoryinTruth

    BYC Genetic/Breed Calculator Huge Task Ahead!

    This would be cool...... cause I'd like to see what a few of mine would look like with a gold laced roo.... *I have a couple of different breeds*
  3. VictoryinTruth

    Added 2 chickens and 1 roo to existing younger flock

    Thank ya.... I just didn't want one of the new ones to be sick or anything also and spread it..... thanks again
  4. VictoryinTruth

    Added 2 chickens and 1 roo to existing younger flock

    Here it is flipped over with a stick.... might be a little stupid question but in first place lol but it ok I guess lol
  5. VictoryinTruth

    Added 2 chickens and 1 roo to existing younger flock

    Hey ladies and gents.... going by my title I did add 3 gold laced chickens to my younger flock. The picture is some poo I found this morning..... my question is ..... is this an underdeveloped egg?.... I don't know for sure how old the new chickens are. Through research wyandotte start laying...
  6. VictoryinTruth

    New to backyard chickens

    I have 1 silver laced and 2 gold laced.... but mine are like 3 weeks old lol.... but welcome to byc.
  7. VictoryinTruth

    Has anyone tried

    I been watching youtube vids and came about a video of "emotion code". With bullying. Has anyone tried or heard of this.....
  8. VictoryinTruth

    Adding new chicks

    That' what I'm hoping... I just "remodeled" the coop and added 6sf...... but some of that 6sf is nesting space..... I build my coop/run for free besides screws and chicken wire.... thank yall
  9. VictoryinTruth

    Bought at tsc @ chick days

    Not a close up though
  10. VictoryinTruth

    Bought at tsc @ chick days

    They were in the australorp bin.... but I don't really know for sure with the gold/brown in feathers. In the sun they do have a green shean though.... australorp sexlink mix or gold laced mix..... idk....
  11. VictoryinTruth

    Rain rain rain= free protein from the ground....i.e. worms

    Rain rain rain= free protein from the ground....i.e. worms
  12. VictoryinTruth

    Adding new chicks

    Ok.. thank ya.... I try that....
  13. VictoryinTruth

    Adding new chicks

    I have my 2 black australorps and 1 buff orpington in my coop/run. They are roughly 2 months old. I want to add my 1 slw and 2 glw with them. They are about 1 month old or so..... what will be the best way to get them together without fatality? I work 2nd shift so I can't be out there to...
  14. VictoryinTruth


    I'm from Bama also... welcome.... roll tide lol
  15. VictoryinTruth

    Hey ladies & gents

    Here is 2 pics..... got a few more weeks before the younger ones can join the bigger ones...
  16. VictoryinTruth

    Hey ladies & gents

    I have 2 black australorps, 1 buff orpington, 2 glw, 1 slw..... I've owned my chickens for about 2 months. (Australorps and buff from tsc) my first 3. Then I wanted more. Lol.... so I went to trade day and bought my laced babies. So far so good... guess I took after my paw paw about chickens...
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