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  1. UluLaté

    Red mite infestation

    Sounds good. I fill a 100 gallon water tank with a permethrin solution for chickens. Then I dip each chicken in it. I make it a bit stronger for my goats, sheep, etc, then for dogs. Cats cannot be dipped. And I don't dip my McNab. Then I take the rest and use it to spray the cleaned out...
  2. UluLaté

    Black Head

    I did not check the livers of the dead ones. They were dead before I was aware of the disease. So, yes, it's entirely possible that it was something else.
  3. UluLaté

    Black Head

    Anyone have experience with Black Head (Histomoniasis casued by the protozoa Histomonas meleagridis)? I put my 7 turkey chicks in with my 50 meat chicks and swiftly lost all but two turkey. A friend said, "It's black head. Cant keep young turkeys and chickens together. It wont affect the...
  4. UluLaté

    Dog attack has left my rooster with a bald back and no tail feathers.

    Hi! I'm late to reply, but in the event anyone else is on here looking for solutions...When we used to live in town, a few weeks or months after our then dog died, raccoons started plaguing our coop. Every night they came. It was like a horror show. My husband who had to leave for work at 4am...
  5. UluLaté

    What's the temperature where you are???

    Well below freezing. Teens and 20s w/o windchill factored in. Days are sometimes shockingly warm.
  6. UluLaté

    Comment by 'UluLaté' in article '11 Accidental Ways To Die (For Your Chickens)'

    Mine is akin to 3KillerBs comment. We've lost 3 meat birds this month from them being at the bottom of the scrum/dogpile at night. We have one heat lamp and well below freezing temps so all of the birds are obviously huddling for warmth, especially the little ones. The water is not freezing in...
  7. UluLaté

    How did you prepare yourself (mentally) for first time butchering?

    I’ve heard it takes one generation to lose the knowledge of how to successfully run a farm. amd it takes 3 generations to regain it. It’s a lot...good thing we're getting started! Our grand kids will thank us!
  8. UluLaté

    Worms!? Maggots!? In poop!!!

    Here’s Here’s another: Both studies support DE as effective, therefore not a myth. I’m a fan of empirical data, so if you find more studies...
  9. UluLaté

    Worms!? Maggots!? In poop!!!

    I foun I found one, so far which seems to tacitly support the use of DE for some breeds...
  10. UluLaté

    Worms!? Maggots!? In poop!!!

    Do you by chance have a link to a study on the efficacy of diatomaceous earth, or lack there of? Someone must’ve done a study...
  11. UluLaté

    Worms!? Maggots!? In poop!!!

    I have 7 extra poultry safe large guardian dogs, roughly a year old, if anyone is suffering predatory any dog will keep the most common predators from visiting, ie., raccoons & skunks.
  12. UluLaté

    I want to get started on raising meat birds but I have know idea where to start?

    I butcher at 10-12 weeks ideally. I’ve kept others well over a year, because I wanted to see how long they would live. I’ve never had the issues others complain about.
  13. UluLaté

    I want to get started on raising meat birds but I have know idea where to start?

    btw, broilers don’t tend to need a roost.
  14. UluLaté

    I want to get started on raising meat birds but I have know idea where to start?

    For meat buy the cornish cross or broasters from the farm supply store. Feed them high protein chick feed, non medicated. Leave them free access to feed and water. In 6-8 weeks, butcher and put in fridge. If you want your chickens mobile, rather than sitting in their own fecal matter, feed them...
  15. UluLaté

    How did you prepare yourself (mentally) for first time butchering?

    I tried butchering a dual purpose had no decent meat to speak of. We literally had nothing available to eat from it. Years later I got a good deal on 50 broiler chicks. With 50 chickens to butcher we didn’t have a lot of time for over thinking the situation. We were in it and it...
  16. UluLaté

    Worms!? Maggots!? In poop!!!

    My chickens eat worms. I encourage it. I’ve never seen worms in their poop and I don’t deworm them. I also haven’t fed them in at least a month. They forage for themselves. The other day they were in the tall grass pecking at seed heads on grasses. My band of merry chickens are a variety of...
  17. UluLaté

    Comment by 'UluLaté' in article 'Difference between Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas! With Review. (Optional)'

    Oh my gosh! Thank you for the great article! I just bought 9 Easter Eggers thinking that I ordered Ameraucanas. As I was looking at the price chart I said, "Oh, that's funny. It's misspelled. These are Ameraucanas not 'Americanas'". Ha! Boy was I wrong! Don't get me wrong. I love that...
  18. UluLaté

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    So that chick did start peeping. Turns out he was in an environment that was too dry. Hence the non peeping.....It was not a genetic trait, unfortunately.
  19. UluLaté

    Poll: What kind of Meat Birds do you raise?

    😋 Yum! I'd like to find or to breed a chicken that is big, tasty and tender but is capable of reproducing true to far as meat quality, quantity and viability goes....It seems like we settle for something less in a small farm/homestead bird.
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