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  1. Flamens Farm

    To wash. Or not to wash. That, is the question.

    I only wash those that are going in the fridge for someone else to eat. Ours stay on the counter. Very dirty eggs (especially from the extreme amount of rain we had) are given back to my animals. I am incubating and doing an experiment right now. Some are dirty, some are not and some have been...
  2. Flamens Farm

    Update on Mystery Chicks - 19 Weeks

    Very beautiful whatever their breed is. They look like black star sex link to me but I am still new to learning the different breeds. I have 5 of them that look like yours that I hatched from my hens so probably not the same. We mostly raise New Hampshire, RIR, Leghorns, EE's, and Bantams. I...
  3. Flamens Farm

    What breed are these guys??

    Hmm, they are only about 10 weeks old, they sure have a lot of comb and waddles to be pullets in my opinion. They have some really long tail feathers too. Not sure of their breed but I think they are cockerels.
  4. Flamens Farm

    Cockerel or Pullet??

    Yea at this age with combs like theirs I would have to agree, cockerels.
  5. Flamens Farm

    Please Help! Am I Fighting A Losing Battle?

    Sorry to read that you are having a problem with one of your newly acquired hens. I think you should do what they say, just dust her, the other two and your coop. Are you sure your chicken is not just sunbathing? They will lay on their side with a leg extended sometimes in the hot bright sun...
  6. Flamens Farm

    Stressing already!

    :frow Hi :welcome New environment for her, hopefully, she was just warning the dog she is not dog food.
  7. Flamens Farm

    What Breed(s)?

    Not sure of breed but he sure is one beautiful rooster!
  8. Flamens Farm

    New Here!!

    :frow HI :welcome
  9. Flamens Farm

    Is my rooster being aggressive?

    I have dealt with chickens for over 40 years, off and on due to circumstances of traveling. The beginning of aggression has started, but it is just the start if you do not show him who is the dominant one. Chasing, hitting or kicking at will only increase his aggression! Incapacitate him with a...
  10. Flamens Farm

    Bare Crop

    Although I can not help with this but posting a picture will help others to be able to see the problem.
  11. Flamens Farm


    :frow HI :welcome
  12. Flamens Farm

    What have you repurposed while building ?

    I turned an old metal bunk bed into a brooder. My children used the bed, then my grandchildren used the bed and now my chicken babies use the bed! Used all material I had on hand except the boards for the roof. The lamp is hooked to a bungee cord so I can move it when needed. The floorboards...
  13. Flamens Farm

    Half breed guess?

    Also a New Hampshire roo.
  14. Flamens Farm

    Half breed guess?

    The cone and waddles look like my New Hampshire Roo.
  15. Flamens Farm

    Roo agression

    I used a large black trash bag, grabbed the roo by his feet in the bag he went, 55-gallon heavy duty black contractors bag, he immediately calmed down put him in a dog kennel for 5 mins like this, let him back out, no more aggression. The bag was very loose but he did not make a sound or move...
  16. Flamens Farm

    What killed my chook?

    Sorry to hear about your loss, here in SC I had a problem with my guineas just disappearing with not a single trace of feathers or anything pretty sure that was an owl it happened at night, but the Hawks are what we call "chicken hawks" here and there are some feathers left but no bird. Dog...
  17. Flamens Farm

    Newbie from Washington

    :frow HI :welcome
  18. Flamens Farm

    Blue Silkie Cockerels FREE

    I love them but live in SC to far away of course.
  19. Flamens Farm

    A rainbow of eggs to hatch in July!

    Oh my goodness, you did have a rough go of incubating eggs but am so happy to read that you did have some success. 2 and 1/2 months into incubating and I have 45 new babies, chickens, guineas and ducks. I restarted one of my incubators on July 4th and the other one on July 9 with hopes of more...
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