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  1. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    @Magnolia Ducks no, I'm not hatching eggs, but my avian vet suggested that we put the girls on Mazuri Waterfowl Breeder feed. I've attached the product sheets for both their Maintenance and their Breeder feeds. As for calcium, the Breeder feed has calcium in it, but I also give the girls free...
  2. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    Thanks for the responses, everyone! Just to clarify: my ducks have always laid blue eggs. My concern is that one girl is now laying eggs with a dark band around them (before now, they were a consistent solid blue). The band itself concerns me, because I want to be sure it's not a sign that...
  3. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    @Helloworld yes, they're Indian Runners. They've actually been laying since mid-December, so I'm not sure if they are still considered new layers. As for heat, yes, it's possible the warmer weather has been impacting them. We've been doing our best to ensure they always have access to their...
  4. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    Yes, we collect every day and the girls have been laying well/acting normal the whole time. My only concern is that the blue stripe is an indication that the eggs are getting temporarily stuck on their way out.
  5. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    Thanks! I agree, they are rather pretty. Just wanted to be sure the dark ring wasn't a sign the eggs are getting temporarily stuck on their way out.
  6. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    The past week has been crazy, so my mom and husband have been helping more with the ducks. Today when I collected the eggs, I noticed one had a darker blue band around it. When I showed it to my husband, he just casually said, "oh, yeah, I've been seeing those for awhile now - just thought it...
  7. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    The past week has been crazy, so my mom and husband have been helping more with the ducks. Today when I collected the eggs, I noticed one had a darker blue band around it. When I showed it to my husband, he just casually said, "oh, yeah, I've been seeing those for awhile now - just thought it...
  8. BornToQuack

    Keeping crows from stealing eggs & duck food

    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! We're in an urban area where shooting wildlife is illegal, and while the crows are a pain in our butts, we're still trying to stay on their "good" side (don't want to get dive bombed by crows who hold grudges). In any case, we're considering stringing up...
  9. BornToQuack

    Keeping crows from stealing eggs & duck food

    I accidentally created monsters by feeding a pair of American Crows. At first, all was well and they were content getting the occasional treat of meal worms, cheese, baked chicken scraps, and other healty tidbits. Now, the crows boldly steal food from our ducks' food bowl, chase the ducks when...
  10. BornToQuack

    Soft egg followed by lack of laying - HELP

    On Sunday morning, I found a soft egg (very thin/weak shell) in the duck house. The other two eggs were perfectly fine (we have three ducks). Then, both yesterday and today, we've only had two eggs, so one girl has completely stopped laying. They seem to be in the very final stages of a molt...
  11. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

    So frustrated right now! So far every rescue I've contacted is either at capacity, or wants me to catch the ducks myself. The problem with catching them on own is that our parks are city property, and there's a VERY good chance I'd get arrested while trying to catch them (i.e. bystanders calling...
  12. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

    RAY OF HOPE? One of the farm animal rescues just called back! We had a nice chat, and she said if I can get someone to catch the ducks, there's a fantastic duck rescue that would take them in. :celebrate Now, how to catch the three drakes I'm trying to help, without: 1) Being accosted by...
  13. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

    UPDATE: Today I called three local farm animal rescue organizations, the Audubon Society of Portland, my avian vet, and the feed and seed store I get our duck supplies from. Two of the rescues haven't responded (I left a message), the Audubon Society said it was good I was trying to help the...
  14. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

    Our winters here (Portland, OR) actually tend to be rather mild. But you're right that these domestic ducks might not have the best foraging skills. One good thing about their current location, though, is that the gardens are a major tourist destination and you can easily purchase healthy duck...
  15. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

    Well, that was fast! Apparently they are aware of the problems but just don't care. At least I tried. :hmm "Hello Yes sometimes people dump there domestic duck in the garden we have no control over that. Not all the birds here migrate in the winter they stay all year round. Thanks for your...
  16. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

    Well, I just wrote the following message in an email to the staff at the gardens (the one rescue group I reached out to hasn't responded yet): "Hello, This past Monday my family visited your gorgeous gardens. While admiring some of the many waterfowl, we noticed three drakes who appear to be...
  17. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

    Do you guys think I should try finding a local rescue organization to catch them? As much as I'd love to expand our flock, we just can't take in any new ducks at the moment. Likewise, the gardens they're at is HUGE, with a lot of connecting waterways, so catching them would definitely require...
  18. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

    Yes, the one on the right in the second photo is a pure Mallard. I was just trying to show the size comparison.
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