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  1. CaliforniaPeeping

    Scalped chick

    Yeah, I had no idea what to do there. It was barely breathing.
  2. CaliforniaPeeping

    Scalped chick

    Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions. The little buddy died in the night. If I need this info again for another chick I know where to find it.
  3. CaliforniaPeeping

    Scalped chick

    I am going to do my best. It’s my fault they hatched. I just fed them though I’m not sure how well we did. I’ll keep it up unless they start declining, then I’ll probably let it go. Thank you for the encouragement. My biggest worry is that they are completely blind. It seems like that would be...
  4. CaliforniaPeeping

    Scalped chick

    Yes, I do have vetericyn and I’m going to slather their little head with it after I feed them.
  5. CaliforniaPeeping

    Scalped chick

    Long story short, discovered some accidental chicks today. Two are totally fine, one was dead, one had both feet in the grave and was barely breathing (I didn’t know what the right thing to do was so I put it in the freezer hoping it was the most humane thing I could do). The two ok ones are now...
  6. CaliforniaPeeping

    Help - hen stopped laying on eggs that are ready to hatch

    Originally I was leaving everything up to the broody hen but since she quit her job and the other chicken killed the first chick that hatched outside I decided to try to take over. Total novice with hatching. Learning things the hard way. Sorry for hijacking your post OP! Edit: It definitely...
  7. CaliforniaPeeping

    Help - hen stopped laying on eggs that are ready to hatch

    Thanks, I hadn’t read that far before asking my question. I tried to candle the egg but don’t Actually know what I’m doing.
  8. CaliforniaPeeping

    Help - hen stopped laying on eggs that are ready to hatch

    Well, I think my set up was too hot and I may have killed the poor little thing but I’m just leaving it alone now and waiting to see what happens.
  9. CaliforniaPeeping

    Help - hen stopped laying on eggs that are ready to hatch

    Can there be too much humidity? I have the exact same issue, broody hen quit sitting on the eggs. I had one hatch successfully yesterday but one of my hens killed it. This morning I had another egg externally pipped and I can see movement through the little crack. I brought it inside and made a...
  10. CaliforniaPeeping

    Everything House Chicken!

    After tragedy struck in the form of the neighbors huskies killing 7 of our 8 chickens, I have a lone house chicken that I'm not fully prepared for having in the house. Her name is Taco and she is quite skittish but warming up to us. Personally, I'm traumatized by what happened so I can't imagine...
  11. CaliforniaPeeping

    Comment by 'CaliforniaPeeping' in article 'The Egg song, it’s not about the egg; it’s an escort call.'

    Anecdotal, but yesterday I had left the nestbox/roostbox big door open for cleaning and then I wandered off to talk to my husband. When I heard one of my ladies clucking like mad, I recalled your article and went back. Closed the big door and she went inside the chicken door and laid her egg.
  12. CaliforniaPeeping

    Hacking this 7 egg incubator

    Another quick question. In this type of incubator can I prop one leg up every few hours and that will be good enough for turning or should I physically move them? This morning I pushed each one backwards a bit and then propped one leg up. They are pointy side down.
  13. CaliforniaPeeping

    Hacking this 7 egg incubator

    That makes complete sense, thank you.
  14. CaliforniaPeeping

    Hacking this 7 egg incubator

    A friend bought me the mini "inteligent" 7 egg incubator. I've got the temperature in the right spot but the humidity is still too high. I had about 20ml of water in its tray then removed half so there is approximately 10ml of water in it now. I have put in a egg sized "rice sock" to attempt to...
  15. CaliforniaPeeping

    Non-laying pullet becomes vent inspector

    I have 3 pullets, I know one is laying but I suspect two are. The third one is not laying and seems to be curious as to what is going on in the other pullets lady bits. She is also, gently, kicking them out of the nesting boxes. She is bottom rung so I assume if they were very bothered they...
  16. CaliforniaPeeping

    How Resilient Are Chickens with Smoke Inhalation?

    In my area the levels have been hanging around the hazardous zone, sometimes it's off the chart. It looks like a scene from Silent Hill out there. I've been concerned about my birds as well but I don't have anywhere else to put them. My husband and I have been hacking for the past week and...
  17. CaliforniaPeeping

    Bloody/mucousy poops more than one bird.

    They are all doing much better now, tomorrow is the fifth day and it's looking like they won't need more than that but I will keep a close eye on them. Thanks everyone!
  18. CaliforniaPeeping

    Bloody/mucousy poops more than one bird.

    Yep, I went back and did that. I also gave 3 of them a few drops before they were away for the night (as someone upthread suggested but I can't remember if it was KikisGirls or one of the Egg names). The other two were not so keen and I didn't want to hurt them. It's almost sun up so I will be...
  19. CaliforniaPeeping

    Bloody/mucousy poops more than one bird.

    Noted! I had planned to switch it every other day but now I see that's not the best idea. Thank you.
  20. CaliforniaPeeping

    Bloody/mucousy poops more than one bird.

    Thank you everyone! I feel good about this and I have enough corid to last me until 2021, when it expires.
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