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  1. LulaBell

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  2. LulaBell

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  3. LulaBell

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  4. LulaBell

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  5. LulaBell

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  6. LulaBell

    Aquasol dosage/where to buy

    Yes, it is my understanding the safe guard that is marketed to goats is not water soluble. Aquasol is the only thing I know of that is.
  7. LulaBell

    Aquasol dosage/where to buy

    I have that but I prefer a drench. It’s purely out of convenience that I want Aquasol .
  8. LulaBell

    Aquasol dosage/where to buy

    Does anyone know the dosage for Aquasol? Also, does anyone know where it could be purchased in a smaller amount? I recently found out you can purchase elector psp on eBay in smaller amounts making it more affordable for some of us with a smaller backyard flock. It would be awesome if I could...
  9. LulaBell

    Help!!! Lethargic hen

    I will start those first thing in the morning. thank you for your advice!
  10. LulaBell

    Help!!! Lethargic hen

    I was afraid it might be a bigger issue. I fully understand she can not be diagnosed over the internet. I was just hoping for some Hail Mary options that I had not considered previously. I do have corid on hand. I can start it first thing in the morning. Is it ok to give her the wormer and...
  11. LulaBell

    Help!!! Lethargic hen

    Vent looks normal/ was messy and had dried liquid poop all around it. I gave her a warm soak last night to clean her up and trimmed the feathers away. It was fine/clean when I checked her this evening. Crop is basically empty. Over the last couple of days it has been less full in...
  12. LulaBell

    Help!!! Lethargic hen

    I have read through this post bc I have a hen in similar circumstances. Lethargic, standing puffed up with eyes closed, her comb and waffles are dull. I brought her in the house, I worked her with safe guard goat wormer, she does not feel egg bound, I have her a warm bath and cleaned her up bc...
  13. LulaBell

    Anyone have experience with this dewormer??

    At this time none. But this is something (water soluble dewormer) I have struggled with finding since they took wazine off the market. I prefer to keep these products on hand rather than wait for the problem and not be able to treat it promptly.
  14. LulaBell

    Anyone have experience with this dewormer??

    I’m looking for a water soluble dewormer...I’ve tried the gel form but it separates in the water after a while...does anyone have experience with this powder form?
  15. LulaBell

    @Dovecote2017 I’m sorry I’m just seeing this message! What issue are you having?

    @Dovecote2017 I’m sorry I’m just seeing this message! What issue are you having?
  16. LulaBell

    Please help....found rooster in stock tank

    Thank you all for the help but I lost him.
  17. LulaBell

    Please help....found rooster in stock tank

    He’s pretty out of it and sounds gurgly. I’m going to leave him in the bathroom with a heat lamp and keep an eye on him. should I offer any kind of food or water to him?
  18. LulaBell

    Please help....found rooster in stock tank

    I came home to find my rooster in our 100gal stock tank. He was still moving but very cold. It’s obvious he has been in there a while. He’s in the house wrapped in towels warming under a heat lamp. Hes s was wheezing when he breathes and sounds watery. What more can I do for him??
  19. LulaBell

    Anyone want to take a crack at what breed these guys are...came from my mixed flock

    Yeah I figured they would be mixed breeds. These are the first eggs I've hatched from my own hens. I'm just excited to see what they turn out to be :) And thank you, I've had my guineas about a year now. I got them as keets from our local Rural King. One passed, and of the remaining only one was...
  20. LulaBell

    Anyone want to take a crack at what breed these guys are...came from my mixed flock

    I have a mixed flock of hens - EE's, OE's, sex links(black and red), buff orps, cuckoo marans, black copper marans, silver laced wyandottes, speckled sussex, 1 welsummer, 1, australorp and some reds. I have 3 roosters - an EE, Isa Brown, and a silver bantam of some sort Also we have 4 male...
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