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  1. Baron Zuzu

    Baron ZuZu

    Took one year, we did stop at a few places along the way for a few days here and there.
  2. Baron Zuzu

    Baron ZuZu

    Both, road cycling mostly. Though my wife and I did cycle from London to Sydney and I cycled across the Sahara and most of North Africa.
  3. Cluckingham Palace

    Cluckingham Palace

    We wanted chickens, so we got four. Perfectly fine for the little coop we bought. But then we wanted to expand, so we built a coop... ended up with this.
  4. Baron Zuzu

    Sick Chicken

    Went to the Vet and little Ziggy is already better for it. Luckily no respiratory issues, catarrh or other buildups, after a thorough checkup she's been diagnosed with an ear infection, that had also spread to her eyes - hence they look very puffy and closed. The Vet took out the pus that had...
  5. Baron Zuzu

    Baron ZuZu

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We got our first 4 ISAs about a year ago, then the love spread and we have a eclectic collection. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have 21 chickens and 1 feisty rooster, oh, and 5 guinea fowl (3) What breeds do you...
  6. Baron Zuzu

    Sick Chicken

    Worried about one of my chickens, she's out of sorts and has swollen ears and eyes. Don't want my other ladies catching anything either. I thought she was broody, but she's been cowering in the coup. Not sure what it is, any advice. I'm taking her to the vet in the morning.
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