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  1. Keeperofmunchkins

    Why hasn't my welsummer hen started laying eggs?

    Could be just a slow starter if she doesn't have any health problems. Pullet's combs usually become red and full just before they start laying so if hers is growing she is getting somewhere at least. Is she a normal weight (check her breastbone to see if she is too skinny)? Have you checked for...
  2. Keeperofmunchkins

    Pullet or cockerel??

    That there is a boy for sure.
  3. Keeperofmunchkins

    Pullets or rooster? 5 week old

    One male and one female, as certain as these things can be.
  4. Keeperofmunchkins

    Help sexing 7 week old D’uccle & Pekins

    Agree last 4 photos are females. Others are males.
  5. Keeperofmunchkins

    Permethrin around chicken feed

    I keep my rooster indoors at night in a store room so his crowing doesn't disturb the neighbours. Today I discovered a sizeable infestation of mites in the room including in the cupboard there where I store the chicken feed. Since the mites were all over the feed tubs and everything I left them...
  6. Keeperofmunchkins

    Incubator just blew up!

    Well I'm planning on opening it up and having a look but Im not exactly mechanically minded either. As I said I've used it a fair few times, I would say at least a dozen hatches in the past couple of years, without any problem. I suppose it was just worn out.
  7. Keeperofmunchkins

    Incubator just blew up!

    This is more of a rant than a question. I'm 5 days into incubating a dozen Chinese painted/button quail eggs, which I candled yesterday and all of them have embryos inside - and my incubator just blew up.:barnie By blew up I mean it made a little popping sound, powered off and started emitting...
  8. Keeperofmunchkins

    Quail ingury?

    This looks like necrosis, dead tissue. There must have been an injury that could not heal correctly, possibly the chick got its toe squashed or stuck somewhere shortly after hatch. Nothing can be done to help it now. It should break away, leaving the healthy limb behind, but there is a small...
  9. Keeperofmunchkins

    Bugs/mites identification and help please

    A few weeks ago I found a couple of tiny crawling bugs on eggs that a hen was sitting on. This is the first time in four years of keeping chickens that I have encountered what I suspect to be either red mite or Northern fowl mite (in the past I've had small problems with scaly leg mite and...
  10. Keeperofmunchkins

    Bloody poop in brand new 5 week olds. Help ASAP please.

    Definitely treat for coccidiosis as it is better to be safe than sorry. However there is a chance it is just intestinal lining being shed as the stress of being moved when you got them is a common cause of this.
  11. Keeperofmunchkins

    Will a broody except older chicks

    Sorry for the loss of your hen. In my experience a hen would not accept chicks much older than a week old. At four weeks they are much too old. The chicks also would not accept a different mother at this point. What is your weather and coop like? The chicks should be fine alone now in terms...
  12. Keeperofmunchkins

    Shrink wrapped chick

    How is the chick doing now? It seems like it had a rough hatch and hatched too fast. Definitely keep mother and chick away from the other chickens. I would not advise keeping them on smooth paper because it is slippery for the chick's legs and could cause splay legs. Paper towels or cloth...
  13. Keeperofmunchkins

    Weird breathing, not drying quail chicks

    It can take a long time for chicks to dry in the incubator if humidity is very high. Also they could have got a little stuck in the shells and some of the fluids and membranes have stuck to their down more than usual, making them appear still wet. I would move them to the brooder and check on...
  14. Keeperofmunchkins

    My chick looks sick

    Have you checked his crop for impaction or sour crop? Any other physical signs like sneezing or nose/eye discharge or facial swellings? Also check for signs of mites. Is his comb nice and bright red and plump?
  15. Keeperofmunchkins

    Bantam assortment identifying breed and gender!?

    All I can identify is that fabulous little dome headed polish chick in the last pic! So cute.
  16. Keeperofmunchkins

    Urgent advice on hen incubated egg

    Good luck. I hope the last little one makes it. Regarding assisting, there is nothing that can be done if the chick doesn't internally pip. So I would do a visual check of the shell for external pips once a day, and if there are no external pips quickly candle the egg to see if there is an...
  17. Keeperofmunchkins

    Urgent advice on hen incubated egg

    I agree with the damp towel potentially cooling it. However I would say do not make a hole in the shell unless you can see that the chick has internally popped. Since you said it hasn't yet, leave the egg intact somewhere warm ideally, and get it in the incubator ASAP. Can you tell by candling...
  18. Keeperofmunchkins

    Crack on the egg!

    Generally eggs with cracks are no good for hatching because the bacteria can get inside the egg. However I believe some people have had success with sealing up the cracks with various substances like nail varnish or wax. This is only possible if the inner membranes have not been damaged, only...
  19. Keeperofmunchkins

    Roo or hen?

    Top photo is definitely a male. Bottom looks like a pullet to me.
  20. Keeperofmunchkins

    The Prettiest Hen(s) Show! ENDS JUNE 15, 2013

    This is my silver spangled Hamburg bantam Hen, Sprinkles. She is one and a half years old. When she was younger she used to have a habit of flying up and going through my open first floor window and pooping on my bed. She is nervous of being picked up yet adores jumping on my lap for cuddles.
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