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  1. Tadler

    Should I get a goose?

    I'm more worried about the aggression towards the roo's and their ladies. Considering that your breeds do well, having a Buff should be a breeze! :fl
  2. Tadler

    Should I get a goose?

    I ordered straight-runs of dual purpose chicks (Murray McMurray) and Buff goslings (Welp) to raise together in the end of May. The purpose was to have the nicest mating pair of the geese for guarding the flock and rehome/eat the rest. I want to have the whole group mobile during the warm months...
  3. Tadler

    Chickens eating meat, ok to compost litter?

    We are getting dual purpose chickens in May and I am trying to find a good balanced diet for them - both bagged and/or homegrown. I've seen many threads stating how useful and/or good raw meat is for chickens (whether it's the frog they hunt vs. leftovers of the rabbit you just processed). I've...
  4. Tadler

    why are some of my quail dying ?

    I'd like an update to this. Mine are having the same issue and unfortunately pass on the weekend so that I can't bring a fresh one to the avian vet for necropsy. I am going to send a fecal sample out with me next week. Just wondering what you found to be the issue. Thanks1
  5. Tadler

    Quail snack/treat chart?

    I assume anything in the nightshade family (tomatoes, tomatillos) is off limits though, correct?
  6. Tadler

    Does anyone else use a Janoel incubator?

    Hi! I have a Janoel 12 incubator. Does anyone take the top apart and clean it? It's a bit dusty in there. I use these for quail eggs.
  7. Tadler

    Moving quail chicks outside in the winter

    I live in N VA and the lows at night can get into the twenties. My pen outside is 8x6x5ft tall, on the ground, using straw as a deep litter method for the winter. Half is covered by a tarp for rain and there is a "coop" box that is shielded from the elements (straw deep litter too). I have 12...
  8. Tadler

    Detached and/or ripped out anus on quail chick?

    Thanks. This is my first time using an incubator (Janoel 12) and I'm learning just how often to check on it - especially with it being so dry in winter. I knew it was going to be a learning curve and not perfect, but yes, it is a still gut renching to be so helpless and trying to decide if...
  9. Tadler

    Detached and/or ripped out anus on quail chick?

    Nvm guys. His intestines all fell out and was body fluids. Had to cull. Still would like to know if in fact that was his/her anus that was pulled out. Thanks!
  10. Tadler

    Detached and/or ripped out anus on quail chick?

    Just had a baby quail hatch out and it was taking a long time. External pip in pm on day 16, hatched early day 18. It looks like it's anus was stuck to the shell or too dry and ripped out out him. He now has two "butt cheeks" sticking out of him. No blood. Any suggestions? Attached pictures.
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