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  1. MillefleurGirl137

    Sorry for the delay... That sounds interesting!

    Sorry for the delay... That sounds interesting!
  2. MillefleurGirl137

    What are these?

    It looks like a Gray ranger broiler from Meyer Hatchery
  3. MillefleurGirl137

    my chicken's left eye is swallowen

    Definitely looks infected. Try putting colloidal silver in it (only a couple drops). Is she acting okay otherwise? I mean, is she scratching her eye or flicking her head?
  4. MillefleurGirl137

    Suggestions for layer feed

    It depends on what you want. Regular or Non-GMO? Organic maybe? Sometimes, if you willing to get the best, look at the feed labels. Think about it, you're eventually going to eat what's in their feed by eggs. A good rule of thumb: if there's something you can't pronounce in the label, your...
  5. MillefleurGirl137

    Another new member

    Welcome to Backyard Chickens!!!!!! :welcome:jumpy:frow
  6. MillefleurGirl137

    Thë Pürë Šøüłš (A RP for experienced Roleplayers)

    Auralia slammed open her room door and stomped in. She groaned as she opened her textbooks. Why does there have to be SO MUCH HOMEWORK??? She complained inside and skimmed over her assignments. You know what? I don't care if I have homework. I can do it later. She flopped onto the couch and...
  7. MillefleurGirl137

    Human RP 2 *i created the OP so don’t say this is a copy of the Original human RP*

    Shiloh tried to escape but it was too late. Violent pain rocked her skull, and blackness overcame her.
  8. MillefleurGirl137

    Human RP 2 *i created the OP so don’t say this is a copy of the Original human RP*

    A loud rumbling noise threw Shiloh from her daydreams. She jerked her head up and noticed she was in the middle of the road with a car heading toward her. She windmilled backwards and sprinted for the sidewalk, but it was too late. "No, no, no, no, noo!"
  9. MillefleurGirl137

    Human RP 2 *i created the OP so don’t say this is a copy of the Original human RP*

    Skipping along the sidewalk, Shiloh adjusted the bag's strap and let her imagination run wild. What if, she thought to herself, all the books were true? Shiloh imagined an alicorn suddenly bursting though the cloud overhead. Or, a dragon climbing the roof of that building! Maybe, there could be...
  10. MillefleurGirl137

    Human RP 2 *i created the OP so don’t say this is a copy of the Original human RP*

    "You know what I did today, Girl?" Honey sneezed. "I finished reading ALL of the Keeper of the Lost Cities books. Maybe there's more like them at the library!" Shiloh stood up and gently placed Honey back in her pen. Then, she grabbed the egg basket and ran inside. Setting the eggs on the...
  11. MillefleurGirl137

    Human RP 2 *i created the OP so don’t say this is a copy of the Original human RP*

    Shiloh skipped through the grass toward the chicken coop. After topping off their feed and water, and gathering the eggs in a basket, she grabbed her favorite chicken and plopped down onto an old log. "Honey, what am I going to do?" She said, stroking the Blue Silkie hen thoughtfully. Honey...
  12. MillefleurGirl137

    Human RP 2 *i created the OP so don’t say this is a copy of the Original human RP*

    Shiloh plodded into the house and slung her backpack on to the floor. "Laura! Sophie! I'm hooooome!!!!" She shouted into the house. No answer. "Wow, I must have actually beaten them home," she said to herself as she kicked off her tennis shoes and pulled on her chicken boots.
  13. MillefleurGirl137

    Thë Pürë Šøüłš Roleplay— Chat Thread

    When do you think is maybe enough? To start RPing, I mean.
  14. MillefleurGirl137

    Shadows on the Dawn *A Warrior Cat RP*

    Swallow stretched on her stone perch as the golden sun sparkled through the trees. What should I do today? she wondered as she watched cats bustle back and forth.
  15. MillefleurGirl137

    Thë Pürë Šøüłš Roleplay— Chat Thread

    How many people do we have now?
  16. MillefleurGirl137

    We have a baby!!

    Soo cute!!!!!!!! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy congratulations!!!!!!!!!
  17. MillefleurGirl137

    Thë Pürë Šøüłš Roleplay— Chat Thread

    Okay sorry I saw HeavensHens88 quote that and thought it was after
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