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  1. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Pumpkin continues to do incredible! The ones from this morning look good. It looks like a lot of the swelling has gone down. And these ones from this afternoon show quite a bit of change! It looks like one of the gross spots fell off on its own! So now it's making sure the other one goes...
  2. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    I'm riding it out as best I can. Doing my absolute best not to disturb the spots. He is healing very well, I couldn't be prouder with how he's handling it. I'm just glad I don't have to go at it as aggressively now, and that he got to the recovery phase quickly so knock-on-wood everyone else...
  3. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    A couple of these spots (closer to the top of his comb) sure are stubborn. Almost thinking I should pop them myself but, I'm trying to ride this out as it's been doing. There's probably a good chance he'll still have this even after we move into the new house and get their layout settled, but...
  4. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Today's update comes from after work. What a difference between yesterday and today! No one injured him either, so that's a huge plus in this mess! His body's fighting it off well, and I gave him his treatment. His feathers look like shit, but, oh well. It's like hair; they'll grow back...
  5. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Wow, this was all injuries? I wonder if maybe his sister is the cause of it all. My top hen doesn't really attack, but keeps him in his place. But his sister, Smokey, she's the only one that'll go after him; she's got a zero tolerance policy, lol. The odd thing is, some spots appeared on his...
  6. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Morning Update. He's just about over whatever this is. The Iodine + Hen Healer Treatment has been working beautifully. He'll be rejoining the girls today.
  7. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    It's the next morning, and this is where we're at. I started using a qtip to get more direct contact with the iodine, and I'm using Hen Healer Ointment to help combat and discomfort. He's been such a trooper.
  8. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Now I'm positive this isn't Fowl Pox. Visiting my girls as of this message, and no one has the spots Pumpkin does. I think that theory can be thrown out the window. One of my hens looks like she has quiet the dryness going on, so I may need to look at coconut oil in the future. Or more Hen...
  9. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Morning Update. It looks like the Iodine is doing its job. I think one or two of these spots have actually popped open on their own and leaked out, but nothing looks any worse from where it was. Hell, these spots don't even have that mold-like look anymore. They haven't spread any further...
  10. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Fighting would really cause white spots? I've never seen it when he'd fight with his father and brother. I know only two hens that would beat the crap outta him, but not to this extent. ...Well, maybe Smokey, but still.
  11. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    I'm starting to think what Pumpkin has is actually Favus, a Fungal Infection, which makes more sense. I tried doing some research, and while all three of the mentioned conditions in this thread all appear the same, this one's making more sense. He doesn't have these white spots on the rest of...
  12. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Still a bit odd given there's no mosquitoes over there. And they don't interact with the other chickens, yet everyone else is fine.
  13. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    UPDATE I got the Gentle Iodine Solution Spray and applied it to Pumpkin. So I have before and after application. He did good all day though, still ate and drank, he's still acting like himself. None of the rest of my flock or my dad's boss's flock has these same white spots. If tomorrow no...
  14. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Yeah, that's what I considered. If my other chickens show signs, or if my dad's boss's flock shows signs, I'll just bring him back 'cause there isn't a point in further isolation. But so far he's been good, and I've been treating him with lavender oil (the article provided earlier talked about...
  15. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Dry Comb? Yeah, I did find it odd that none of the others have anything going on. I mean, they have white on their combs, but it's nothing unusual (mostly just the Silkies; my other two don't have it). I dunno what's going on, but I know he is swollen around the eyes with no other injuries...
  16. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    I got Pumpkin all quiet and comfortable in his hutch, something I'm sure he was excited about on top of the confusion of why he's been removed from the flock. I treated him with some lavender that I have, rubbed it all over his comb and part of his face. He does have sone echinacea in his...
  17. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Do they? I honestly can't tell. The white spots stuck out more. He's acting like himself on top of it all.
  18. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Been a long time since someone told "dammit" is a swear. I have to isolate him; if you read my post, I'm 20mins away, which means I can't just leave him to infect everyone else, especy my boss's dad's flock.
  19. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    Dammit! Ugh, why'd it have to happen to him? I'll have to take him with me now, I have no choice.
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