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  1. Applesandlemons

    Peeps in Europe!

    @Anaray Sorry, couldn't help but chuckle :lol: Mud mask is eggsellent for the skin I hear,;) Next time we have a downpour I'll take photos of the geese. They like to make holes in the mud and stick their heads in there.... :eek:
  2. Applesandlemons

    Peeps in Europe!

    Fingers crossed for you. We have wet winters here so despite the baking heat and summer droughts the hardier weeds (usually thorny ones) :barnie still grow!
  3. Applesandlemons

    New from Michigan

    :frow Nice to meet you
  4. Applesandlemons

    Hello from Nova Scotia

    :frow Welcome
  5. Applesandlemons

    Peeps in Europe!

    Sounds similar to our plans, be prepared for everything to take much longer than you think it will except for growing weeds :eek:
  6. Applesandlemons

    Peeps in Europe!

    Originally the Llyn, but most recently Vale of Neath (rainiest place in the work I think :eek:)
  7. Applesandlemons

    What kind of duck?

    :love She's lovely!
  8. Applesandlemons

    When do Muscovy begin laying in spring?

    I should add that I live in Sicilyt it's warm here until late November..
  9. Applesandlemons

    When do Muscovy begin laying in spring?

    Muscovies are a law unto themselves ;) Neither goose or duck and yet ... The best :love
  10. Applesandlemons

    Calling all enablers!!

    You already know what you're going to do ;):lau
  11. Applesandlemons

    When do Muscovy begin laying in spring?

    In my limited experience they start to lay properly the spring after they hatch. They may lay the odd egg 6 , months plus but not regular. That's what happened with my 5 so far anyway....:D
  12. Applesandlemons

    Duckling id please!

    Mine is definitely a goose don't remember it's beak being funky like that... Maybe different in cignoid geese?
  13. Applesandlemons

    Hello There All

    I wouldn't risk it, dogs are domestic wolves, the sweetest dog can try to play with the fluffy thing to find that not only is the fluffy thing fragile, it also tastes yummy.... :eek:
  14. Applesandlemons

    Duckling id please!

    Adult gosser
  15. Applesandlemons

    Duckling id please!

    @Pyxis Sorry that pic is mostly gosling butt :lau mixed with ducks. My problem being I mostly video the birds to show family back in UK... Couldn't find face on photo
  16. Applesandlemons

    Duckling id please!

    This is how big my goslings were when I got them last year :love
  17. Applesandlemons

    Duckling id please!

    @Pyxis.... I had a sneaking suspicion! ;) Bit of back story, I had 2 Broody muscovies that sat on eggs for 40 days, so I got these babies and swapped them out. One mommy took them all :love I'm not disappointed, I have 3 goose eggs so far and my incubator arrives Wednesday :ya:ya:ya
  18. Applesandlemons

    Farm life is for me

    Hi Bobbi, :frow I'm also new here and everyone has been really nice, loads of good info :D
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