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  1. clintbwell

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    Paranormal activity is absolutely intriguing and terrifying to me at the same time. This will be a very interesting thread that i will enjoy reading. I have experienced a sighting of a shadowy figure twice in my life, once in my eary 20s(hallway of my house) and once in my early 30s (as i was...
  2. clintbwell

    Why won't my Hens lay any longer?

    Hi, new2chickens81 Im also from north MS, just outside of clarksdale. Just wanted to speak since your in my area! Ive got 13 hens and 2 roos, my hens were all babies this spring, and im currently getting 4-5 eggs a day. It was 7-8 a day about a month ago. Not sure if all are laying yet though as...
  3. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    Thanks dawg53. My local TSC has Tylan 50 injectible. I’ve just never used a needle in my life. This is the med I was looking st the most. So I hope it works. I’ve seen the powder to add to water on amazon and thought about getting that one.
  4. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    Thank you all for the kind words and thoughts. I love my girls. It’s not just eggs from yard chickens for me. I raised these babies since day one. And I never should have brought foreign chickens into our coop. My bad. I didn’t know. I messed up. Lesson learned. And I’m paying for it now...
  5. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    Been out here hanging with them for a while. Lots of sneezing and sounding like flem I’m their throats. But otherwise all acting normal. What can I give them. Anyone. I really need to start a med but I don’t know which one
  6. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    I just got home from work and let them out and they are all acting fine and normal other than a sneeze every so often and crusty beaks. And the one puffy eye roo is opening his eye a little more. Still shaking his head. Both roo combs are still chalky. But they are otherwise highly active...
  7. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    Sorry I’m not killing them and that’s that. If they die on their own. They die. But it won’t be because lack of me trying to help them. I’ve raised these babies since day 1 and yes stupidly of me I added some started pullets and ruined everything. Yes head shaking only on rooster with puffy...
  8. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    thanks for the kind response, these are my thoughts exactly, i want to be proactive as possible, im afraid the next week may be life or death. so i came here just hoping for a reccomendation of what i an immediatly start my bird on.
  9. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    I have also read about braod spectrum antibiotics, and was hoping someone may suggest something, that would treat a host of respiratory probems.
  10. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    Yes i understand the answer, I just didnt realize it had to be tested to find a med to work properly, It would take several days to get results back, and i was hoping to start administering medicine before they get any worse than they are. I just figured the evidence i was providing might lead...
  11. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    thank you all for the responses, yes i know its completely my fault integrating new birds. lesson learned. as of right now all the birds are very active and eating and drinking as they should, Their just all sneezing and mouth breathing with crust on their beak. so a necropsy isnt an option at...
  12. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    excuse the last picture, accident. thank you
  13. clintbwell

    Very sick respiratoray chickens, please advise

    Please advise me on how to treat my chickens, I had 10 healthy home raised chickens 21 weeks old, and i bought six more hens from a local individual, 14-18 weeks old. One of the new ones was sneezing. I put them all together, and about a week later they were all sick. They have been sick almost...
  14. clintbwell

    Good rooster turned bad

    loved this!, Thanks for sharing. First time rooster owner myself, two 6 month old RIR, and 15 hens, no aggression yet, but i have noticed the boys dont run from me anymore like they used to, so im sure its coming. now i know how to handle it.
  15. clintbwell

    Buffalo Gnats are back *UPDATE*

    Yes that’s exactly what it is. Can I mix one packet of each in a gallon of water. Is that ok? How many days to give them this? I just checked in them and they are all doing fine. Very active. And no more head shaking or scratching. The air moving through the whole run has made all the...
  16. clintbwell

    Buffalo Gnats are back *UPDATE*

    They seem pretty active, they zip up and down the run, although i have noticed a couple laying down in the run when I come out to visit them and this is something they just started doing, and could possibly be just cause they are happy to be out of the coop and resting on the floor?, but it...
  17. clintbwell

    Buffalo Gnats are back *UPDATE*

    And don’t worry the box fans are attached to the edge with their backs zip tied to the hardware cloth. So no danger of them getting behind it. Or knocking it over.
  18. clintbwell

    Buffalo Gnats are back *UPDATE*

    I wish I could but they are only 10 weeks old. And have only been outside for 2 weeks. I still have to baby sit them if I let them out. I’ve got two box fans going in the run now. And I sprayed them down with vanilla. So they are temporarily fine. No head shaking. No scratching.
  19. clintbwell

    Buffalo Gnats are back *UPDATE*

    Thank you! So you say you sprayed the birds directly also? I wonder if wal mart carries this as my closest feed store is an hour away. How long is it effective for ?
  20. clintbwell

    Buffalo Gnats are back *UPDATE*

    How to apply permethrin? Spray the run and coop ceiling and walls and floor? How long before the chickens can be around it.
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