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    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Clearfield county 😁
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    Injured cardinal

    Update: I brought "Rocky" to the wildlife place today, so he's in good hands. I requested an email regarding his outcome in the future. I'm hopeful, he's surely a fighter! Thank you for your help!
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    Injured cardinal

    I have birds so I put him in the travel cage and he's in the office. I used the smallest feeders I could find due to his head being downward. I'll be contacting the people I called again tomorrow. Thank you all so much for your help!
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    Injured cardinal

    I have contacted them, they don't return my calls, can only wait. Im rural in the mountains and it's only 19 degrees. Catch 22, glad he was found and not frozen and breaks my heart. U can only try. Thank you for responding!
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    Injured cardinal

    He found the water and is drinking
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    Injured cardinal

    He flies briefly till he crashes, very good hopper!
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    Injured cardinal

    Hi everyone, off subject but hopefully maybe someone can help. Found a young injured cardinal, hurt his neck somehow so he keeps it downward. He's cracking away at the sunflower seeds when he can find them, hasn't found the water yet and was eating the wild bird food placed. Noone called back...
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    Lucy- can she see?

    Well hello everyone! The babies are now teenagers and loving outside, I It only took a few days to figure out the ramp and now they all go in at dusk.. except Lucy. I have 2 polish girls, Lucy and Ethel. Now, Ethel does fine finding her way around, going up and down the ramp etc...
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    Puppy pads

    Hello hello! When using puppy pads, do I have to add shavings or can it be solo?
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    Chicks and bedding

    Thank you! Yes I'm on overload with 14 ugh. I had to separate the smallest 6 to a different bin cause the bigger ones are so hyper.
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    Chicks and bedding

    Hello everyone, long time no see! So, chicken math hit us. I was getting 6 chicks, but by the time hubby was done shopping, we have 14 new brats in our flock 🤨😂 So, I'm using pine shavings of course, but in running low, hubby says just use the hay we have for the big girls. I'm saying no. Can...
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    one of my girls is missing

    What stinks is I tell my neighbors, who have horses, when something is around since we have conjoined property - no fences etc and they already saw it--IN THE SPRING- yet said nothing! She said oh yea we saw it in the rocky area back there but we haven't seen it since so figured it was gone...
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    How will my chickens do in snow?

    Waaaiit aaaa minute..? My hubby thinks he's supposed to lock them in the coop.. till spring, I guess. The chicken expert --i mean HE said, "they're chickens they don't do winter, you put them away until next year! " (insert a head tilt here) "iiiii" was saying, nooo hon, you open the door and...
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    one of my girls is missing

    Update: I'm no longer hopeful as I just spotted a bobcat in the yard while doing photography- the girls will be locked up tight from now on - they've been hiding most of the day but came out when I was nearby so.. Thanks everyone!
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    one of my girls is missing

    I'm hoping that will be the case thanks!
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    one of my girls is missing

    Me too thanks!
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    one of my girls is missing

    I let them free range with supervision, they'll follow me around and come for their goodies.. on one hand I'm cautiously hopeful, on the other, knowing how they always come when I call and she didn't, I'm sad. Thanks
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    one of my girls is missing

    Ps:the further we looked, I was searching more for feathers, blood etc but nothing - they all were in the area near their coop when hubby came home and they usually stay pretty much together, but we found nothing - we don't have nearby neighbors so that's out -i hate not knowing!
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    one of my girls is missing

    Hi everyone. While I was out today, my girls got out (we know how now so that's fixed) They always come running when they see me and hubby (more so me) but today one of my girls didn't come back - we searched everywhere high and low and nothing. I know I'm always teasing about them but they've...
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