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  1. pennyhaddock

    Comment by 'pennyhaddock' in article 'Fecal Examination in Backyard Chickens 101-Part 1'

    I want to purchase one, but have no idea what magnification to get...can you share which one you purchased please?
  2. pennyhaddock

    Layer Feed Suggestions

    I absolutely LOVE the Scratch & Peck feed- I buy it off of; that is what I have feeding mine since I got chickens 4 years ago. Knock on wood- they've never had any illnesses. But like you- I'd love to find feed a little more reasonably priced. I've tried different ones here and there...
  3. pennyhaddock

    Yellow faced guinea hens

    I know your post was back in 2015- but wondering what you found out about your guineas yellow faces? I have a guinea hen and cock- they are laying on a nest of eggs and have been for about 3 weeks- they are close to hatching- both of their faces have turned yellow- hoping you can provide an...
  4. pennyhaddock

    SOS, Month old chick with possible broken hip/slipped tendon/splay leg???

    Hello...just curious as to how your chick with the slipped tendon is doing? Do you keep her isolated from other? I have a 7 week old guinea keet that has a slipped tendon- we have taken it to the vet, tried wrapping it, but it keeps slipping out- she holds up and it trembles-- my biggest concern...
  5. pennyhaddock

    Slipped Tendon in Baby Chicks

    Do you feel like this might work for a guinea keet that is around 7 weeks old? We've already tried putting the tendon back in place and wrapping the leg (as shown to us by a vet) but when changing the wrap we noticed the tendon had already slipped again under the wrapping- also the wrap was...
  6. pennyhaddock

    Help! Chicken Game of Thrones! Who do I put where?

    Thank you for this info!!! I too didn't know how to do this!
  7. pennyhaddock

    Help! Chicken Game of Thrones! Who do I put where?

    I'm so Sorry! I'm new to this and didn't really know where to ask this question...I've only posted on here a few times and wasn't sure if I could create a new conversation for something similar to your question. I've learned a lot from the folks responding to your situation. I totally understand...
  8. pennyhaddock

    Help! Chicken Game of Thrones! Who do I put where?

    Thank you so much for your reply. I have heard that they have "favorites" I feel like my rooster just mounts my other hens without any aggressiveness, but my little white leghorn he mounts and pulls her comb with his beak- quite hard and makes her bleed- I don't ever see him doing this with the...
  9. pennyhaddock

    Help! Chicken Game of Thrones! Who do I put where?

    I have a similar issue and wondering if I can get some advice. We have a decent size chicken run (about 130 sqf) with a Formex Snap/Lock unit that was shared by 3 Guineas, 1 Turken Rooster, 1 Leg Horn hen, 1 Americauna hen and 2 R.I hens- 8 Total birds...up until recently somehow one of my...
  10. pennyhaddock

    chicken in a trance

    Does anyone know if this will work on guinea fowl? I need to calm one down in order to splint the leg and it would be great to "trance" her just long enough to help her. Any info would be great- thanks!
  11. pennyhaddock

    Building Material for House Interior

    Wow...that's really nice! I like it! This is totally doable- thank you so much for your reply!
  12. pennyhaddock

    Building Material for House Interior

    I'll try this out- thanks for the tip!
  13. pennyhaddock

    Building Material for House Interior

    Thanks Red Horse Ranch! I am in North Texas...not sure if its an issue around here, but I've read multiple forums and articles about how mites live in wood and once you get them its hard to get rid of them because they only come out at night. Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing...seems...
  14. pennyhaddock

    Comment by 'pennyhaddock' in item 'Formex Snap Lock Coop'

    I have a large Formex unit and it comfortably houses 5 hens, 1 rooster, and 3 guineas...It could easily fit 2 more just fine, but remember this is only for night time use, not for the chickens to stay in during the day...Funny thing is almost all of my chickens and the guineas try to fit on the...
  15. pennyhaddock

    Hentronix door opener for Formex coop

    Hi Meses......a quick update...after we installed the new circuit board we still had some issues with the door trying to close when it was already closed...long story short and important for anyone buying this unit- the unit cannot be operated on electricity alone- you must purchase the battery...
  16. pennyhaddock

    Building Material for Interior House

    Thank you so much- this is so helpful...did you use wood and then place the flashing over the top of it or did you only use the flashing? Did you use the flashing for both the siding and the flooring? Do you find that using the metal holds heat inside the house?
  17. pennyhaddock

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Just did...thank you so much! Kind of new to all of this, trying to navigate my way around and figure it all out. I appreciate it!!
  18. pennyhaddock

    Building Material for Interior House

    Can anyone provide an alternative to having wood as the interior of the coop/night time house? I am somewhat holding up my husbands progress on construction because I don't care to use wood due to the issues with mites, as well as wood not drying well when washed out...has anyone ever used hardy...
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