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  1. mamablair

    Been a chickening a year now and my fave breed(s) . . .

    My favorite as far as looks and personality are silkies, but I have not had the best luck with them, they're so defenseless. And my weather is hot summers and cold winters. I'm really wanting to try and get some American Bresse next year.
  2. mamablair

    What do you love about chickens?

    Honestly everything, but the biggest reason for me is that they get me outside, in the fresh air and sunshine. They have been such a blessing and help so much with my depression.
  3. mamablair

    EE Hen or Roo? Bawwking this morning at 6am 14-15weeks old estimated?

    Looks like a cockerel to me. If you look at the comb you can see 3 distinct rows, pullets only have 1 row.
  4. mamablair

    9 week EE

    I would says cockerel going off the comb, cockerels will have 3 raised rows and pullets only have 1.
  5. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Oh and if anyone remembers me being nervous about my EE x silkie crosses maybe being straight EEs.... All 5 are indeed crosses complete with feathered feet and extra toes. I cannot wait to see how these cuties look grown up.
  6. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    It is officially day 22 now and we have 8 babies. 2 EE eggs never pipped and are still in the incubator for another 24 hours just in case.
  7. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I will post pictures once everyone is fluffed up and moved to the brooder.
  8. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have a white silkie roo and a rainbow of EE hens, so I will just have to wait and see what colors I end up.
  9. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    6 out of 10 have hatched so far. And it looks like I did get at least 2 EE x silkie crosses so far. Black feathered feet with extra toes are kind of a dead giveaway. Haha. (Also I may have been up until nearly 2 am watching one hatch.)
  10. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    We have 2 chicks hatched!!! I'm so happy. Yay!
  11. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    The hens they are from are all almost a year old, but the silkies have only been laying for a few months. They weren't refrigerated or anything, stored on the counter for just a couple days before going in the incubator.
  12. mamablair

    Thank you

    Thank you
  13. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    They were not shipped eggs, just gathered from my own flock.
  14. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    We have a second pip! Also not at at the air cell. 😬 Any suggestions as to why they are pipping the wrong spot? Or what to do different for my next hatch so that doesn't happen?
  15. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I tried uploading a video but it said the file format isn't supported. But it's doing good, hasn't made much more progress, but we see the beak and hear cheeps!
  16. mamablair


  17. mamablair

    Thank you

    Thank you
  18. mamablair

    Thank you

    Thank you
  19. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    It's day 20. But so far just the one pip.
  20. mamablair

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Yes one had pipped before I got home but that was it. Haha
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