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  1. Mark_Khrushchev

    White leghorn has large lump on her throat/neck. Urgent! (Plus questions on living conditions & more.)

    Hello, I haven't been on the forum for a while but I have returned for an unfortunate reason. I have a ~5 year old White Leghorn who has been acting a little sick the past week or so. She started acting ill a few days ago with usual symptoms often seen with many diseases (Hunched over, Inactive...
  2. Mark_Khrushchev

    Rhode Island Red chicken

    Shot on Canon M50 with kit lens. I converted RAW to JPG so it is lower quality
  3. Mark_Khrushchev

    Moving chicks to coop

    I have 4 leghorns and 2 orpingtons at about 5 weeks old. It is time to move them outside. If you didn't know, I live in South Florida. A very hot place that can reach up to 100F in the summer months but it is starting to cool as we turn into fall. Right now it goes up to 90F. I know this is...
  4. Mark_Khrushchev

    I found out what my chicken is...

    I always had a weird chicken in my coop. She has shanks like a rooster and was very feisty. And know I know why... She turns out to be a RED JUNGLEFOWL. If you don't know this flightless bird originated in Southeast Asia and are part of the genus Gallus of the family Phasianidae. Pretty much...
  5. Mark_Khrushchev


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? When I was born we already had chickens in our backyard! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 adults, 2 juveniles, and 6 in the brooder (3) What breeds do you have? 3 unknown, 1 black Japanese bantam, 1 Rhode Island Red...
  6. Mark_Khrushchev

    Wierd looking wart on chick (has a gross image)

    Hey, I bought 6 chicks from TSC recently. I got 4 white leghorns and 2 orpingtons. It was all fine until I saw something one one of the orpingtons. I saw a weird ward coming out of the chick. It isn't pasty butt as it's not in the cloaca of the chick. It seems to be like a dark wart. I was...
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