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  1. Rooapalooza


    This has been happening to my okra a lot this season. For me it's usually deer, but most recently it was hornworms. They can be huge and can be hard to notice because of their color. In Texas and we've had a bumper year for all caterpillars and worms.
  2. Rooapalooza

    Chicks afraid of sticks

    I moved my ladder over about 6 in and they couldn't handle it. They wouldn't even go in the coop.
  3. Rooapalooza

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I have a question about avocados. I have a small tree (about 6ft tall, 2 years old) which I grew from a pit from a grocery store avocado. I also have a tiny cold-hardy avocado tree that is from a nursery and will bear fruit. Can I graft some of my fruit-bearing baby avocado tree onto my...
  4. Rooapalooza

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm in Texas waiting for rain too! Fingers crossed but I think I may give in and water. My poor plants are tired of waiting.
  5. Rooapalooza

    Lost power just over 24 hours in

    They will probably be fine. Do you have a thermometer in the incubator itself? If not I would recommend it.
  6. Rooapalooza

    Tucker Milling non GMO?

    I bought whole fish for a while because I thought my chickens would like to pick at them after I ate most of the meat. No interest at all. Ditto on most other meats. They love cat food and dog food though! I give my flock of 20 about a handful a day. I also give them the cat food cans...
  7. Rooapalooza

    People with more than 10 chickens

    The most birds I've had at once was about 22, but 4 were ducks who were a part of the chicken flock, and 4 were roosters. I've also had flocks of mixed ages. More than number of birds, having just adults of one species, with mostly girls, makes things a lot easier. Now I just have chickens...
  8. Rooapalooza

    Maximum temperatures for adult chickens

    This is the second time someone has mentioned it being 95F at night. That has to be record setting. In fact I just looked it up and I can't believe how many days Phoenix had lows in the 90s last year! Holy cow poor chickens :(. The ice bath is a great idea.
  9. Rooapalooza

    Maximum temperatures for adult chickens

    You are lucky you have cool nights. Here in Texas it stays very warm. Make sure your birds have shade available from late morning to early evening, and make sure your waterers stay in the shade so your water doesn't get hot. If they are stuck in a run it's very important they have lots of...
  10. Rooapalooza

    Pine Tar as wood preservative?

    Did you end up using it? I had a similar idea. I was going to line the bottom of my coop with old wood boards covered in pine tar to protect the coop from ground contact moisture. Weirdly I haven't seen a lot of information about using it for chicken coops. It seems a lot less toxic than...
  11. Rooapalooza

    Horrible chicken accident with my daughter

    A long long time ago, when I was about 7 or 8, my friend had a little brother who was 3 or 4. He was a handful. Several times he snuck up behind me and pulled out chunks of my hair. One time he snuck up and stabbed me. Anyway I remember his mom talking to my mom about him chasing around...
  12. Rooapalooza

    Cockerel Attacking Me

    I'd say cull him. Save yourself and your flock the heartache. There are a lot of wonderful sweet roosters out there that people have to get rid of because they can't have in their areas or they have too many. If you don't have other roosters, look online for someone giving them away. I had a...
  13. Rooapalooza

    9 1/2 week coturnix quails, no eggs?

    Number 3 is definitely a boy and 4 is definitely a girl. I don't know about 1 and 2.
  14. Rooapalooza

    9 1/2 week coturnix quails, no eggs?

    What makes you say that? It looks like a girl to me since the chest is not solid.
  15. Rooapalooza

    Dog Attacked Chicken need advice

    I'm sorry this happened! Let us know how she does.
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