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  1. H

    Silkie Mix Gender Help Please

    About 4 months old. Hoping they are because I already have too many roos! Ty!
  2. H

    Silkie Mix Gender Help Please

    I need help with these two. First pic of cream white one (3 photos) and the next two pics are of same buff chicken. Thank you!
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    lump and parrot beak Mrs. Meeps

    This is exactly what’s going on with my chick. I wonder if it’s her tongue stuck down in there! She has a parrot beak and a soft pouch under her beak.
  4. H

    Wry Neck Chick Back in Coup

    Hi, me again… baby made it through the night. It was a risk but really wanted this little guy to grow up with its siblings and raised by mamas so relieved it went the way it did. It still has a kink in its neck but he’s eating and drinking independently and no flipping episodes. I will...
  5. H

    Wry Neck Chick Back in Coup

    Okay so, I went and released baby from cage and mamas both accepted it back. Now, it’s evening and they are all in the hen box but I can hear baby with wry neck peeping constantly and see it having flipping episodes but will then snuggle back under moms. It’s quiet for the moment but I set my...
  6. H

    Wry Neck Chick Back in Coup

    I’ve been adding that little save a chick packet to the water so it’s getting some of that as well. I’m just so nervous about the chick getting killed suddenly! There are two mamas as well that share the chicks but not sure if one will accept and the other won’t. I just don’t want it to...
  7. H

    Wry Neck Chick Back in Coup

    Hi all, I have a week old chick that developed wry neck. She’s in the coup with nine siblings and two co-mamas. I pulled her out yesterday morning and have been treating her with selenium and vitamin e. She’s doing better already but she’s all by herself in my room with a heat plate. Anyway...
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    Roosters or Hens

    Yay! Just making sure!! Thank y our! I’m in over my head right now. On a side note, my silkies just hatched 10 chicks and they will all be crosses but I don’t really know what from- there were so many roosters hanging out at one point! Some have the pomp. Fun fact as well, I have a beautiful...
  9. H

    Roosters or Hens

    They are about 4 months and I believe could be mixed breeds (preschool hatch) and I think I know their gender but eould like your opinions, please. Showing pics of three chickens (there are two pics of the Silkie cross) Thank you!
  10. H

    Staggered Hatch under TWO Broody Silkies

    Hi all, I am babysitting some young cockerels from preschool hatch and low and behold my silkies hatched out 8 chicks Tuesday-Wednesday, one more Thursday and today Sunday, there is another baby that has come out of the box. The mama hens have been out with the news chicks all week (no sitting...
  11. H

    Chick with malpositioned hip? Can't stand!

    If he was walking fine, hope he gets back to it! Yeah, my lil chicks toes need the shoes. He’s knuckle walking or waking on his elbows... but he just came out a few hours ago so we’ll see how it goes s
  12. H

    Chick with malpositioned hip? Can't stand!

    Does he have curled toes? Sort of in the same boat assisted a malpositioned chick last night and this morning and he is not walking much but his toes were extremely curled. Hoping, because it was a rough delivery, he will get stronger and straighten out once he rests up.
  13. H

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Ended up not being a twin... I think. There’s one more to go I’m the bator but I’ll def be posting if two come out.
  14. H

    Wry neck syndrome

    Update: happy to announce that my chickie is doing loads better. Almost back to normal. At times, it did not look good. This chicken business is stressful!!! Just assisted a malpositioned chick. Doing pretty good flopping around in the incubator but looks like I’m going to have to straighten...
  15. H

    Wry neck syndrome

    In the same boat. I noticed it 4 days ago and she’s gotten worse even though I’ve been feeding her eggs, vitamin e in wet starter and mashed sunflower seeds. Hope she pulls through. It seems to go through stages of bad to worse, then glimmers of hope when she’s at least standing with a...
  16. H

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Th That’s what I was afraid of... maybe I’m just seeing one but looks like two. I’ll get pic...
  17. H

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I think I have a double fertilized egg!! There are two embryos swimming around! Anyone have experience with this???
  18. H

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Thank you for the very detailed regimen! My guy looks to be improving slightly but I will get some sunflower seeds as a part of my continued treatment. It doesn’t seem to be getting worse, so that’s good!
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