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  1. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Mini-miss is going well. I'm still cleaning her vent, but it just from the normal poop getting stuck in her little bum feathers. I am thinking of trimming the ones that hang over her vent? This would solve the problem completely. Has anyone done this? She really hasn't got much bigger. Even the...
  2. B

    Review by '' on item 'EcoGlow 50 - the Larger Chick Brooder'

    I bought this to replace the traditional heat lamp. Such a WONDERFUL purchase. I don't need to worry about anything catching on fire, or the kids. You can raise one end so the little babies can be down the lower end and the older chicks can get in the higher end. You won't be disappointed with...
  3. B

    Review by 'Birdland80' in article 'Adding To Your Flock'

    Thanks for writing a well informed piece.
  4. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Hello everyone, THe big chick really isn't so big now, in comparison to the other chicks anyway. I did give her sugar water and mash for a few days. It took some time, and regular intervals to get her to take anything. For a while there I thought she might be blind? Shes extremely vocal, but not...
  5. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    SHE"S ALIVE! What a wonderful sight to wake up to. Shes staggering around the bator knocking eggs about. Lets hope that the next day in the warmth helps her. I might leave her in the bator for another 12-20 hours? What do you all think? Considering she's late, maybe she needs more time, but...
  6. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Yes, that may be the case with this little one. However, I have chicks in the brooder that are doing very well that wouldn't be here if not assisted. I'm happy to take a gamble, if it means the ones that "may" live normal lives do get a chance to do so.
  7. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Ok, so she's half out of the shell. There is no yolk, and the veining was like fine hairs but there was medium sized veins right at the bottom of the egg. She lost a small amount of blood from one of those,, but nothing like what I've seen in other posts. She does look a little unusual. Her...
  8. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Yes she's exhibiting all the signs of wanting to get out. However the membrane is drying out, even with regular dampening. I'm unsure if this will have any dire consequence for her? I will give her another three hours and see. The vein has gotten small a bit finally!
  9. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    I'm not sure if I was meant to, but it seemed to help once I had taken the shell off that i tipped the egg back and worth, very slowly, and she wiggled her little body around constantly. I think this gave her room to reposition a bit and helped me find her beak as she was in a different when I...
  10. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Can you see the vein that travels over her head and down the right side?
  11. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Thank you everyone for the info! priceless!. I did find the beak. It took a long long time! lots of trips back and forth from the bator to keep her warm. There is one large vein I can see this morning that doesn't seem to have got any smaller? I did find the yolk, and it is smaller this morning...
  12. B

    Review by 'Birdland80' in article 'Step by Step Guide to ASSISTED Hatching'

    Priceless information, and when followed correctly it does help save lives that would not have made it. Thankyou!
  13. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Thank for your reply! Thats Assisted Hatching post is priceless! I have read it dozens of times over the last weeks. It has information on the mal positioned, but I really don't know how to find the beak accurately. They do make a small hole for the beak once found, but I have to find it first...
  14. B

    Hello BYC community!

    Hi from Tower Hill in Australia! Its very exciting to finally be a part of this online poultry community! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens before, but This is the first time I have had chickens with a rooster, and now an incubator to see what...
  15. B

    Assisted Hatch?

    Hello everyone, I'm a new member and so so happy to have found such a wealth on information here on BYC. I am mid way through my first time using an incubator, with a staggered hatch of both chicken and duck eggs (Taken randomly out of the eggs that were bound for breakfast, as we have NO broody...
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