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  1. O

    Chicken run as a Woods coop?

    Great advice on the tarp! I've had 2 10x10 runs attached to make 10x20. Using plastic shed for Roost house, works really well, but needs ventilation in hot weather. Be sure both your roofs have peaks, so snow won't weigh tarp down. In winter I wrap it like a gift, leaving 1 long side open (away...
  2. O

    Scaley leg mites? Weird looking scales? What is this!

    If their hocks are swollen, what does that indicate? I'm treating for those mites as well, but she still seems uncomfortable walking around
  3. O

    One lone hen?? :'( Our flock is down to a solo gal, what to do next??

    Our local feed store keeps chicks that aren't sold, and they often have older pullets to sell. Yours might too. But if chicks aren't an option, maybe another kind of animal or bird like guinea fowl or ducks would give her companionship until chickens are available.
  4. O

    Ivermectin if swallowed

    Can ivermectin be given orally to chickens? Our local feed store sells a paste to be given orally. Can it be used on hens for a mite breakout?
  5. O

    Poop Board/Roost Question

    Can I ask about your roost boards? Do you paint them? When I updated the roosts I got fancy & painted it white with a standard exterior paint. Since then 2 of my hens have developed foot problems. Could it be the painted surface compared to before the plain sanded 2x4s? They were pooping more...
  6. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    Just an update - Big Sis is walking better and feet much improved. Seems like it will take some time to fully clear it up. After 2 weeks still some big eruptions.
  7. O

    Scaly body mites?

    Could it be a reaction to the recent treatments or combination of products? Like humans, could it be she's sensitive to one of them? Or affecting her natural immunity? Like she said, maybe a good soak in dandruff shampoo to kill mites and topical application like Vetericyn to soothe and help...
  8. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    You know, it's simply amazing how suddenly these girls show up with a new malady that seems like out of nowhere. Then it's apparent there's another cause that wasn't obvious. I guess a lot of people here have been through and offer such great advice. 1 benefit of social media - information. Now...
  9. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    Thanks for the advice & especially product recommendations. The Vaseline was so gooey I had to wrap her toes to keep it kind of clean. Left it on overnight and most of the next day. She walked out more - seemed to get along with her BeBe Love socks over the gauze. But it seemed like her nails...
  10. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    I posted pictures from prior to treating her. The mites seem pretty bad and maybe that's causing the rest of her foot to be sore? I'm on board to get her better, if I'm doing the right thing.
  11. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    Photos taken before I bathed her feet. Her feathers are coated in Vaseline from trying to cover the scaly might the night before. I'm treating foot pads with Neosporin and wrapping her feet. She's also been getting 1 1/2 ml dropper of Amoxicillin/Calcium w/Vit D solution daily. The pill we...
  12. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    I felt so bad for her after reading about these issues, I wanted to give her some relief. I decided night was the best time to treat her, so will get pictures today. I covered the pads of her feet with Neosporin. Almost out of Vaseline so supplemented that treatment on her legs with my husband's...
  13. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    Great, thank you. But regarding Bumblefoot - she doesn't have any scab or wound - just swollen, soft round knots. Maybe it's not too bad yet?
  14. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    OMG I did this morning after viewing the articles & photos. I think she has both. There's a large soft knot on her foot padd and both she & her sister's legs are totally gnarly. Looks like she has both.
  15. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    I posted a video in the Gallery on this site. Not sure how to link it
  16. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    I haven't see her in the nest box at all. She has walked upright for some time. I thought maybe she was adopting rooster behaviour after we gave him away, but that was a long time ago. Just recently she started having problems. When I picked her up her abdomen was flat and no runny poop on her...
  17. VID_20231101_172408691~2.mp4


    Big Sis
  18. Onyx chickens

    Onyx chickens

  19. O

    Brahma chicken's feet

    My 4 year old Brahma is acting differently and I can't see if anything is wrong. She goes out with the other 4 for a while, then just rests under the trees the rest of the time. She'll eat a little when they're in the run and I throw worms or scratch or a bowl of mash/softened feed with vitamins...
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