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  1. goodwiab

    Pullet who stopped using one leg

    Thank you all. We had been keeping her warm inside with close food and water, and had been giving her pain meds and extra vitamins like some of y'all mentioned. Unfortunately she just wasn't getting better- even refusing to hop or stand on it. We made the decision to euthanasize at the vet this...
  2. goodwiab

    Pullet who stopped using one leg

    Have you ever seen Marek's where they are still eating and drinking though?
  3. goodwiab

    Pullet who stopped using one leg

    She is not- which is just so weird because if you grab it and move it around she doesn't really react but it's just always just sticking out or if she hops she kind of holds it up. She is about 9 to 12 weeks old. I will say when I got her she was definitely the runt if that makes any sense in...
  4. goodwiab

    Pullet who stopped using one leg

    Hello, I have a young Austrolope pullet who seemingly out of nowhere, got a limp. It progressed to her barely able to stand, and she certainly won't put any weight on it or walk. She hops along fine and eats and drinks, but I saved her from a hawk the other day to to what I assume was her...
  5. goodwiab

    Big hen picking on bantam

    That's the one! And yes- I had thought about moving the waterer already so I will definitely try that. It's just that she so little and so scared- but she certainly never used to be this way! Everyone got along totally fine until about two weeks ago. I just wish I knew what is causing it.
  6. goodwiab

    Big hen picking on bantam

    Here is a picture of the run. I have since taken out the gray boxes you see on the left. Ironically, this was only a few months ago and the two on top of the run are now the bully (the red) and the victim (the little black). As you can tell from the picture the bully and victim are drastically...
  7. goodwiab

    Big hen picking on bantam

    I have five hens who have been together for a year with no issues. One ISA brown, two leghorns and two Japanese bantams. Recently, I noticed one of the leghorns establishing a pecking order it seemed and was packing on one of the bantams. The phantom would just duck and run away but nothing...
  8. goodwiab

    Hen no longer roosting?

    The bantams are one month older- around 10 months. The leghorns and ISA are around 9.
  9. goodwiab

    Hen no longer roosting?

    That's what boggles my mind! They let her eat/drink hang out with her fine. But yes, we can try another roost. Sadly and crazily? I think the bantam (I know it is) is the bully. But the ISA is a bit timid overall so it makes sense.
  10. goodwiab

    Hen no longer roosting?

    I'm afraid she is perhaps lowest, which does shock me as I believe this may have been a recent development. Where she is sleeping is not a nest; she does not remain there except at night. Would a ramp to either roost help her at least get to a roost? IDK if I can manage it but I'll sure try if...
  11. goodwiab

    Hen no longer roosting?

    Hello, I have a 9 month old ISA brown who recently stopped roosting with her flock mates. She still lays daily, is perfectly healthy, jumps/flies to to equidistant perches as the roosting bars daily, and seemingly gets along/cuddles with others. She is eating and drinking fine. She shares her...
  12. goodwiab

    Dirty butts and dirty eggs

    Hello! I have two leghorns that no matter what I seem to do, have dirty butts. One is worse than the other, and the eggs they lay get dirty as well. The other three hens are totally fine. Any natural remedy or food I can give to prevent dirty butts? They arent sick; just a bit dirty. Thanks!
  13. goodwiab

    Weird bump on chickens ear?

    It's hard I believe. Almost like a scab? Thank you so much for your reply
  14. goodwiab

    Weird bump on chickens ear?

    Hello! I have a little 9 month old Japanese bantam. I believe she's going through molting right now. I just discovered this on her ear. I have no idea what it is.. doesn't seem to be bothering her and when I touch it she doesn't really freak out. Any ideas? I was going to put something on it...
  15. goodwiab

    Temperature of coop vs outside

    Located in Richmond, Virginia (USA). Temps are getting down to 30 degrees and just below-fahrenheit. Thank you!
  16. goodwiab

    Temperature of coop vs outside

    I have five chickens in my coop (2 bantams 2 leghorns and 1 ISA brown). I have a thermometer in there, but I see that it's usually the same temperature inside as outside more recently as it gets cold (was not this way in warmer months it was cooler). Is this ok? I have a few 1.5-2.5 cut outs for...
  17. goodwiab

    Chicken stopped laying and not as friendly?

    * Since I remove the golf ball she stopped laying... Should I put it back?
  18. goodwiab

    Chicken stopped laying and not as friendly?

    Hello, I have a 5-month-old Japanese bantam who was laying one egg a day consistently. We had a couple encounters with a hawk recently in our yard. At one point the hawk almost got her, but luckily she saw it in time and got to safety. After that she was still laying consistently- even refusing...
  19. goodwiab

    10.5 week old-hen or roo?

    Hi all! I've got a puzzle... By most standards this would be a roo, but he or she has not done any crowing nor displayed any other rooster behaviors (other than maybe some different clucking sounds then the others? But not sure if that's a thing for roosters). Please see attached. The question...
  20. goodwiab

    Is this a Japanese Bantam? Pullet or cockerel??

    Did this end up being Cockerel or pullet? I have one very similar and anxious about what they may be. Thanks!
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