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  1. MIgardengal

    Beak trimming for bullying???

    I have a small urban flock with 5 hens. They have all lived together for a while, but recently we started having “feather picking”…NOT bullying…literally just picking feathers for no apparent reason. I already had a long post on here about a month ago, making sure I had all my bases covered...
  2. MIgardengal

    Mystery!!!! Missing feathers.

    Yes that is a good idea. I was wondering if I could set up my tablet and some how record during the day what was happening. Yesterday I checked on them in the AM, no issues. Hubby took lunch break at home, still no issues at 12. But when I got home at 3 she had blood coming from a broken butt...
  3. MIgardengal

    Mystery!!!! Missing feathers.

    I’m attaching a picture of the feed the feed store told me to get after the second bout of finding her with blood on her rear. Initially I was stressed thinking maybe it’s mites and I just don’t see them. So I looked up what our local 4-H recommended, and they said pre-showing to wash hens in a...
  4. MIgardengal

    Mystery!!!! Missing feathers.

    Yes I’m 100% positive it’s not mites/lice. And I know it’s not bullying, because I sit and watch when I toss out sunflower seeds and everyone eats peacefully together etc. But that’s interesting you have a hen that has a weird tick and likes to just pluck feathers. My initial thing was to...
  5. MIgardengal

    Mystery!!!! Missing feathers.

    It’s 20% protein feather fixer feed. Can a hen reach this area on her own and pull out her own bottom feathers. Or is it someone else doing it? Any why would this happen if she’s not getting bullied in any other way? Never had this happen in 3 yrs. So I’m wondering if it’s the new bantam we...
  6. MIgardengal

    Mystery!!!! Missing feathers.

    It happened again today, between 12 & 3 pm. We have been checking her multiple times a day. And I’m getting frustrated! Over the past 1.5 months one of my hens, has lost her butt feathers. Once a week it seems I come outside to find her with a bloody back end from broken feathers. I bring her...
  7. MIgardengal

    EEEK!!!! WORMS! Help!

    so I have been going nuts today now cleaning the yard and chicken coop/run. Was also picking up dog poop that has accumulated over the winter and found this. So it’s dog poop, but if my dogs have these I’m assuming the hens might also?
  8. MIgardengal

    EEEK!!!! WORMS! Help!

    Ok so then a few questions: -I have 2 dozen eggs in the fridge currently…is it safe for me to eat those? Or will I get worms from them? -I usually compost their run/coop substrate. Will the worms die in the compost process? Do they only survive live host to live host? -Will it hurt my hens...
  9. MIgardengal

    EEEK!!!! WORMS! Help!

    I doubt it’s maggots, I’m in northern MI with snow still on the ground no flies around. Yes I was in the run watering them, saw my barred rock poop. It was a yellow runny poop, and there were 4-5 thin white things wiggling in it. Hair strand thin and about pinky nail long.
  10. MIgardengal

    EEEK!!!! WORMS! Help!

    I’ll try to watch her poop and get a photo. It was definitely parasites in the poop though. I remember when our cat had worms it was similar. I live in city limits so I can’t free range they are in a fenced run. I was going to clean the coop anyway, it’s been deep litter since November. So I...
  11. MIgardengal

    EEEK!!!! WORMS! Help!

    I’m curious do I need to move them out of the coop/run and do a scrub down/bleach on it? This is the first time in 3 years I have seen any worm in their poop.
  12. MIgardengal

    EEEK!!!! WORMS! Help!

    I just saw one of my 5 hens make a watery poop. There were small white worms swimming in it 🤮. I’m totally grossed out!!! What should I do? I know nothing about worms!!! Please help!
  13. MIgardengal

    HOW TO FEED YOUR CHICKENS if there is no scratch or pellets?

    So maybe it’s nuts, but if things really got bad. Like grid shut down WWIII kinda thing… My coop is under several maple trees. I have noticed my hens eat both maple leaves and the spinners that fall into their run. They even eat the soggy ones in spring after snow fall. Maybe it’s not ideal...
  14. MIgardengal

    Hate to post a icky vent picture, but I want to know what’s going on…

    Im somewhat of a chicken novice. Only had my have a small flock of 5 hens for 3 years, I have been noticing my one EE has had runny ish poop frequently. And her back end was looking kinda poopy. So I decided to take her inside and give her a epsom salt bath. I after washing her I gave her a...
  15. MIgardengal

    What breed is this adult hen?

    She was recently given to me, because her owner couldn’t keep her, lady said she purchased her at a feedmill so obviously hatchery stock. Laid a light brown egg. I was thinking Wyandotte but she doesn’t have the right pattern for that, then Welsommer but she has a rose comb. I’m just curious to...
  16. MIgardengal

    Prettiest Easter Egger Contest! Ended

    Pot Pie…1.5 year old EE she’s a lap chicken and lays robins egg blue eggs. (She’s a pet, the name is just for giggles!)
  17. MIgardengal

    Help! My chickens are bullying another to death!!

    I had a similar issue this past spring, I had one buff orphington that was getting bullied mercilessly. Missing feathers and got to the point she was bleeding. I really tried everything for 5 months. Isolation for the alpha birds who were picking on her, more room, items to jump on/under...
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