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  1. B

    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    2 week update: She seems to be doing great! She misses being outside, and her dust baths. I let her out with the others under supervised watch only. Only the leader tries to pick on her. The rest she defends herself well.
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    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    0 eggs for 3 weeks now with 7 chickens; one is in hard molt; the rest light molted right before the days got short and cold.. 3 are 4 year+ older chickens 4 are young 1 1/2 year old
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    They are they used to free range everyday, but they haven’t since.
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    Thanks that helped! The feathers are stuck to dead skin after cleaning tonight. I can’t get deep in that hole although I see stuff I’m not sure what it is, I would injure her more poking around I will finish cleaning dead skin tomorrow and hopefully cleaning and neosporin will heal her up in a...
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    Easter Egger has stopped laying eggs

    My Easter eggers have stopped for about 2 months now; I just assumed they molted and never shook the less light after that. Because I’m feeding them 22% and a little corn once a week
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    So I get a few feathers here and there the film is so thick that is over them; I’m picking each time I go to doctor her but she gets so antsy I can’t do it all at once 😔 but the gash is so much deeper than I thought.. another graphic picture attached..
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    I will do that this evening; I get a few each time but those last 5-6 are being extra tough
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    I have tried that but they seem to be glued there. I try a little more each day though.
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    Update: 43 hours in, she is still eating, drinking and pooping (although runny), and wanting to walk around. We have fed scrambled egg, tried oatmeal but she didn’t like that and she has eaten regular food. Today I let her outside for 30 mins to stretch her legs and let her chicken friends...
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    Could I use butterfly closures to help pull her skin together, since her skin is skidding further apart?
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    The wound seems to look bigger every time I go in: like her skin is sliding 😬
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    Hawk attack- muscle showing

    We went outside to find a hawk on top of one of our chickens. We ran out scared away the hawk. She had a little blood on her nostril and a little near her ear. We brought her in and she stood there a minute as I checked her over she has a gash on the back of her neck. See video/picture...
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    Help!!!! Head pecked to bone

    Looks like advice has already been given on the wound. I had a friend whose 8 chickens picked on just 1, the chicken always hid in nesting box and would be coward down in a corner if she did get out. Bullying and bleeding. She tried everything to get the chickens to stop picking on her. She...
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    Is this wing baldness normal on 1 and slow tail feather growth. I have 3 EE (I bought ameraucanas🙃) and 1 speckled Sussex

    The EE (Holly) to the far right; both sides of her wings have that bald spot on the “ball”of her wing. Her tail feathers aren’t growing in as fast as the others (we think they are all 3 weeks old) she has had runny stools but is also our stressful yet playful chick. She runs backwards at times...
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    Red spot (with white spot in the middle) on bottom of foot

    The scab is off but i was able to get a lot of dirt out, more of the white stuff now it is bleeding a little.. I am no medical person. I will call around to see if we have a vet anywhere near tomorrow.. I have researched but I can’t find one close by
  16. B

    Red spot (with white spot in the middle) on bottom of foot

    Well after wrapping for 48 hours, I am finding out I did not wrap it good enough (dirt all in it) soaked for 20 mins and it’s not budging, going to continue soaking 20 mins every day and doctoring.. Any other tips let me know.. she is acting better but it still has a lot of redness and swollen.
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    Red spot (with white spot in the middle) on bottom of foot

    This is what I finally got out (I had to dig with a new nail file) it is very hard now if I can get her drinking a little better also.
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    Red spot (with white spot in the middle) on bottom of foot

    Is there an easy way to pull the scab? Antibacterial- like neosporin for humans?
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    Red spot (with white spot in the middle) on bottom of foot

    Update: on white spot Looks to be more black and swollen, she is favoring it.. I gave her a bath with epsom salt but the scab didn’t come off.. I have sprayed it with MicrocynAH and placed a drop of tea tree oil (diluted with coconut oil) on it
  20. B

    Red spot (with white spot in the middle) on bottom of foot

    Thank you!! Glad to hear, it is a little red, they truly have me on my toes lately!!
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