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  1. sudolph

    Tenacious pasty butt - what do I do?

    Thanks Trilyn and MuranoFarms. I'll give both ideas a try.
  2. sudolph

    Tenacious pasty butt - what do I do?

    This pullet chick has had pasty butt her whole 3 week life. Her poop is very thick and does not drop off her bottom. In fact, it seems that her vent never closes. Will acv help? What about acidophilis? Should I just....send her to her maker? Thanks. I'm really sick of cleaning a chicken butt.
  3. sudolph

    Poop - when to worry?

    If the chicks are vigorous and eating well, don't worry about the poop. Actually their poop is a mixture of that and pee. You'll notice chickens don't pee; they just have watery poop. It should be a mixture of part that somewhat holds its shape and part that is plain old watery, but never clear...
  4. sudolph

    Barebacked hens in freezing weather

    Out of 17 hens, 2 have substantial bare patches on their backs. Yes, I'm slow thinking of this, but the night lows are in the upper twenties, and they free range during the days. Chicken house has a heat lamp over the roost, but should I coat their backs with something? I was thinking of pine...
  5. sudolph

    What would be a good 6-month physical for hens?

    Personally, I leave well enough alone, with a few precautionary steps. First, look at their combs. In a 6 month old chicken, the deepness of the color of the comb is a general health indicator. Second, pick them up and examine for crawly bugs, gray crusty stuff at base of feathers, or inflamed...
  6. sudolph

    HELP! older hens attacking chicks! What to do?

    The key is a broody mama. My broody mama flogged a few aggressive hen-mates, and that was the end of picking on the babies. They are three weeks old. Even with a mama, they still need the protected adjustment described above.
  7. sudolph

    Overmated hen, is there help?

    That's so aggravating when the poor girls are getting bare backs from roos "affections" as you tastefully put it. A bachelor pad sounds good to me, at least for a few weeks until the hens can recoup a little. Once your other hens are mature, the bare back situation should alleviate itself...
  8. sudolph

    adding chicks to a hen with chicks?

    I think you can do it. The deal is, the setting hen will stay on the nest a day or so after she first starts hearing peeps, which is the way nature allows for the fact that a hatch may take 24 hours. Then she moves the babies out for food and water. Chicks can live up to three days on the yolk...
  9. sudolph

    Help!! Sick hen

    Amy, I'm sorry about your sweet hen, too, but don't you love a roo who tries to take care of his girls? That loyalty is so admirable. Sue
  10. sudolph

    Does IDEAL email you when they ship?

    I've used Ideal many times, and I think you find the shipping on the page when you order. They are in line with everyone else on shipping. I've always had good results from them.
  11. sudolph

    Adoptive Mommy - I never expected this.

    My only hen who has gone broody this year is a Golden Phoenix, not a heavy bird. I set her with 6 heavy bird eggs, and she hatched 4 in a brooder. After 2 weeks I let her out. They did fine for the day, but she went to bed on the roost in the hen house and left the babies to follow her the best...
  12. sudolph

    Near tragedy turns into love...

    First of all, I'm happy your injured pullet is doing well. Second, I'm amazed she has adopted the chick. Third, I love the Heinlein quote and will be using it as a verb review in high school English next week. Sudolph
  13. sudolph

    Debeaking a grown hen

    Can you do it, and will it curtail cannibalism? Is it detrimental to the chicken at all? Can they still catch bugs?
  14. sudolph

    How do I prevent cannibalism?

    My 15 hens are a very nice flock as long as there is no raw meat around. My roo got an injured toe in April, and they nearly ate it off until I wrapped it with mesh bandage for two months. Four weeks ago he barely survived a dog attack losing all his tail feathers and sustaining some bites to...
  15. sudolph

    Moving a brooding, skitish golden phoenix

    She's true to her nature, very sweet but standoffish and flighty if I reach into the nest, but she is brooding where other hens are apt to lay with her. Do you suppose I can successfully move her after roosting time tonight to a prepared brooder box? I was planning on trapping her in a very...
  16. sudolph


    I lost 6 of 15 today to a coyote, according to my renter who saw the culprit race over the fence when she raised the window shade. Funny thing though, 5 dead but only two with skin broken and I wouldn't even say partially eaten. The other three were just dead, one totally gone. Is that typical...
  17. sudolph

    Hen pecked roo

    It started with a little cut on his middle toe. By the next day, his twelve girls had eaten that toe open and raw with about 1/4 inch of bone showing. I cleaned, medicated and bandaged, and sequestered him for a week unitl it was completely scabbed over. Let him out. A few hours later, same...
  18. sudolph

    Hurt roo - need advice

    THanks, DT. If I find more than the one cut under all the dried blood, I may try a bandage. would you wrap the toe and tie it around his leg? Wonder how long that will last? sudolph
  19. sudolph

    Hurt roo - need advice

    My lovely buff orpington roo has shown up with a clean cut across his middle toe. Have no idea what he got into, but it is bleeding and other chickens are pecking at it. I am about to sequester him in a kennel until he is well but wonder what you suggest to treat this injury. I will wash it with...
  20. sudolph

    Please help. Nice chickens not laying.

    Most of them are between 6 and 8 months old, but I really don't know how old 5 are. I bought them as adults. They were supposed to be less than a year old. They have not molted at all. sudolph
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