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  1. RobertaD1

    Partridge Plymouth Rock Question

    Im not sure... you will probably have to give them a call. Thats a good question.
  2. RobertaD1

    Does everyone stress ordering chicks the first time 😱

    I do understand not being 100% with them. But, they are a wonderful hatchery with wonderful birds... do consider giving them another shot in the future! They are wonderful to work with.
  3. RobertaD1

    Partridge Plymouth Rock Question

    KINDA looks like a cockerel to me. Got some green in the tail, large comb..... not screaming pullet.
  4. RobertaD1

    Barnevelder gender tracking. 3 - 9 weeks

    LOVE my Barnie Roos! Glad I came back to see how it all turned out!!!!
  5. RobertaD1

    Looking for opinions on covering my chicken run.

    I use this in conjunction with the HW cloth so I have shade that air can move through. They last longer than tarps do! (at least in my area they do!)
  6. RobertaD1

    Coop run for free range hens?

    I love my Brahmas! But, be aware that they are big birds.... they will need room to get onto the roost! These girls will need the extra room! They will get tempramental if their space is too small.
  7. RobertaD1

    Barnevelder gender tracking. 3 - 9 weeks

    I have been nothing but pleased... especially since they are hatchery birds! BUT, I think its a LOT about environment!!!! MANY people LOVE orpington roos.... I was not around many older birds and was with a small group of pullets from Rural King. MAN, was he a JERK! We tired everything to tame...
  8. RobertaD1

    Barnevelder gender tracking. 3 - 9 weeks

    This morning I went looking for my boys.... yes, boys.... baby pictures for just this post .:D They too are barnevelders. One of my roosters began crowing at 3 weeks, the other 5. You cant tell by the mottled feathers because they begin to blend in as they get older. BUT, their combs turned...
  9. RobertaD1

    I can think about it...although it's a busy time of year. May I see a publication /link of it...

    I can think about it...although it's a busy time of year. May I see a publication /link of it? Might help to give me some ideas....
  10. RobertaD1

    What kind of article?

    What kind of article?
  11. RobertaD1

    2 week old chicks trying to fly out of brooder

    I don't think they see the HC. I have them try to escape all the time...LOL.... but I've never had them hit the lid. I use a wire shelf on the top, but to be honest, its more to keep out curious kitties. What breed are they? I would move to a larger brooder. That one looks a wee bit small. It...
  12. RobertaD1

    New coop, dirt floor in NY?

    I have an old coop... very old, and it has a dirt floor... and I love it! The coop sets on a grade, and is very dry...(unless I drop the waterer...UGH) The pros is it is very easy to clean. I dont use any bedding on the floor, just rake it out! The cons.... its very dusty! but the biggest con...
  13. RobertaD1

    Heat plates

    I probably should tell you that my plate is angled, lower in the back, so the chicks can find their "perfect spot". If I hear lots of cheeping, I know to either raise or lower the plate!
  14. RobertaD1

    Heat plates

    I LOVE my heat plate. Chicks are happier, and feather out much faster. I have them in my basement for one week, then to the coop brooder.... havent had any trouble! I feel safer with it. I use this one, both in the coop and in the basement, and I have had less...
  15. RobertaD1

    Partridge Plymouth Rock Question

    Yeah.... it seems I'm batting a thousand for roosters...LOL I seem to get them in each batch. Im not mad... the first ones I received were Barnevelder Roosters, and they are really nice boys. (yes, I ordered pullets). But in my last group, I had an easter egger roo.... although he kept his...
  16. RobertaD1

    Partridge Plymouth Rock Question

    I havent gotten them yet. I will probably skip them this spring..... Dont want to chance a rooster. Im not good at gambling. LOL! We will probably get some next spring.
  17. RobertaD1

    Partridge Plymouth Rock Question

    Thats where I will get mine :) I can easily pick them up!
  18. RobertaD1

    Partridge Plymouth Rock Question

    Thank you! I may put it off for this round.... JUST in case. Appreciate the quick answers!!!!
  19. RobertaD1

    Partridge Plymouth Rock Question

    I am looking to get some Partridge Plymouth Rocks for my flock. As Im looking to NOT add anymore roosters to my flock... I wondered if this breed is auto sexing? I haven't found a definite answer to this question anywhere.
  20. RobertaD1

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Artwork Contest

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