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  1. N

    Rooster puffed up, lethargic, watery white and yellow poop

    Yes, she was sent off to a lab for necropsy. They said mareks or multiple organ lymphoma.
  2. N

    Rooster puffed up, lethargic, watery white and yellow poop

    Hey yall, just an update. I did corid that first day and took him to the vet yesterday. She didn’t find bacteria in his stool but she says the corid may have done some work already. She sent him home after being dewormed and having fluids, and sent me with tylan powder and another antibiotics...
  3. N

    Rooster puffed up, lethargic, watery white and yellow poop

    No antibiotics on hand but I did put corid in their water this morning. After manhandling him (only way I can see, he’s a roo lol) I calmed him down and looked and didn’t see mites? I should also add I’ve finally figured out and he’s losing feathers a bit too. I saw him shake off and some...
  4. N

    Rooster puffed up, lethargic, watery white and yellow poop

    Hey all. I’ll preface this by saying one of my rooster’s flock mates, same age and from the same farm, just died last week of Marek’s and/or multiple organ lymphoma. Was told they were vaccinated when I got them but I was lied to. This morning my rooster was puffed up and lethargic. Tail down...
  5. N

    Sold as silkie chick.. interesting wing colors?

    Thank you!! I’m thrilled, I wanted grey/blue instead of black so I lucked out! And the buffs will be so pretty 🥺❤️
  6. N

    Sold as silkie chick.. interesting wing colors?

    It is so weird watching them grow in… cause they’ll get those weird pin looking feathers, and now the fluff is starting to grow over it. Seeing silkies feathering vs regulars is so odd for my first time! Lol
  7. N

    Sold as silkie chick.. interesting wing colors?

    Here’s my runt (who has grown so much since these pics a few days ago!!) and in the background of one of the pics you can see the others. The other yellow ones have a liiiittle bit of the stripes like the one I originally posted about, but are moreso all yellow like the runt I have here.
  8. N

    Sold as silkie chick.. interesting wing colors?

    This is one of the dark ones, but all 4 of the dark ones look exactly like this. (Side note, will I ever be able to tell them apart? lol)
  9. N

    Sold as silkie chick.. interesting wing colors?

    They came from tractor supply so I’m assuming not bred in any pure form lol. I got 5 yellow ones and 3 that I think are going to be black/blue, leaning towards blue because they’re a light grey now.
  10. N

    Sold as silkie chick.. interesting wing colors?

    Here’s another picture where you can see the head poof, and it does have feathered legs, black skin (I’ve seen their butts lol)… is it really not a silkie? :(
  11. N

    Sold as silkie chick.. interesting wing colors?

    This baby here was sold to me, along with 8 other siblings, as a silkie. Its siblings definitely are all silkies, but I noticed this one has some really interesting colors coming in on the wings… any idea what I’ve got here?
  12. N

    Stumped on sexing these two 7 week old lavender orps

    If I’ve really been lucky enough to get 12 chicks from Tractor Supply and they’re all pullets then damn I need to go buy a lottery ticket haha!
  13. N

    Stumped on sexing these two 7 week old lavender orps

    Hey all. So I’ve got two lavender orpingtons that I’m pretty stumped on. I know one is definitely a hen, but here’s my dilemma. The other one I was certain was a roo, because of the tiny tail and overall body posture. However they’re 7 and a half weeks old now and the combs are pretty much the...
  14. N

    Sold as a Brahma, clearly not lol… any ideas?

    Thank you! She is so gorgeous. Somehow I luck out with my birds!
  15. N

    Sold as a Brahma, clearly not lol… any ideas?

    Thanks! Silkie wouldn’t be surprising as the farm had them, but do you really think roo? I have another who is absolutely a boy and the comb is very orange/red, and they’re the same age!
  16. N

    Sold as a Brahma, clearly not lol… any ideas?

    This is my girl Kamikaze. She’s definitely earned the name and always dive bombing under the other girls since the first day we got her. She’s probably about 6-8 weeks old here? She’s very cuddly when I hold her, and loves to perch on my arm more than any of the others. I love my Kamikaze...
  17. N

    Large hard mass on rooster’s leg, wobbling

    he’s walking on his tip toes which is making him lose his balance and kind of wobbly forward and back. He’s spending a lot of time sitting too so he’s definitely trying to rest it. He’s putting his weight on it and not favoring either leg. He’s just clearly in pain when walking, and he’s furious...
  18. N

    Large hard mass on rooster’s leg, wobbling

    My rooster is wobbling all over the place and struggling to walk. Still eating and drinking. He’s been having issues walking for a few days and I’ve been trying different home remedies.. I’ve put poultry cell in their water, I gently scrubbed his feet and applied petroleum jelly in case he had...
  19. N

    Limping but no signs of bumblefoot?

    Here’s an update on my girl. She seems to be in much better spirits! Comb and wattle still bright red, laying eggs still. Now I’ve gotten a better video of that hurt foot... anyone have any idea??? I brought her out of the coop to get some sunshine. She’s been spending her days in the coop but...
  20. N

    Limping but no signs of bumblefoot?

    Thank you for the reply! I’m praying it’s not some kind of disease. I love her so much. I’ll look into getting some of that for sure! And nope, the toes on the left foot aren’t curled at all. She can even still move her toes and stuff, so it’s not totally just hanging. She just won’t put...
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