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  1. B

    Ducks won’t lay

    I have 3 magpie ducks, 2 are hens and 1 is a drake. The goal was to breed them, but I’ve ran into a problem as they are over 6 months old and I still haven’t gotten a single egg out of them and I can’t figure it out. They are fed layer pellets, have clean water, fresh straw bedding, and have...
  2. B

    Unknown chicken

    I found this guy in the road and grabbed him. Was wondering knew what he was.
  3. B

    Sick hen

    She is all pale, very lethargic and started to lose feathers. What's going on? Any insights?
  4. Sick hen

    Sick hen

    Not sure whats going on here but this is a picture of her. Comb is real pale, looks like shes been picked on. Acts lethargic.
  5. Sick hen with pale comb

    Sick hen with pale comb

    Not sure whats going on here but this is a picture of her. Comb is real pale, looks like shes been picked on.
  6. B

    When do Silver laced wyandottes start to lay?

    I think im gonna wait another week and a half to open nesting boxes
  7. B

    When do Silver laced wyandottes start to lay?

    My SLW are 18 weeks and 2 days of age. Should they start laying soon? Do i need to open their nesting boxes up to them? Love to hear advice or when yall SLW's started laying!
  8. B

    Silver laced wyandotte. Pullet or cockrell?

    Im glad someone thinks that!
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    Silver laced wyandotte. Pullet or cockrell?

    Even the last one? I know that photo isnt the greatest because he/she wouldnt stay still but its got a little blue on its saddle feathers and up on its neck, also its gots a darker comb and waddle that is slightly bigger
  10. B

    Silver laced wyandotte. Pullet or cockrell?

    I have 6 silver laced wyandottes, and i am unsure of their sex. They are all 3 months and 15 days old at the time of the photos.
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  12. B


    Good point! Im still searchin through breeds.
  13. B


    Nice sounds like fun! My plan is to get buff orpingtons, because they go broody so much they can hatch out their own chicks. And mu chickens would be self sufficient.
  14. B


    Thanks for the advice and encouragement. It means a lot.
  15. B


    Thats pretty cool. I actually convince d my parents to let us get rabbits to show in 4h. I have a french Angora rabbit. Its pretty high maintenance, wouldnt recommend it if you aint got the time.
  16. B


    Thats funny. I've actually made google slides on chickens and quails.
  17. B


    Do any of you know how to convince parents to let you get chickens? Im 13 and ive been tryin to convince my parents to let me get chickens for almost 4 years now. We have a coop, a feeder, and a waterer. I bargained all of those items from friends. The only thing im missing is the chickens...
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