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  1. H

    Polish Rooster head injury, Help!

    It's Def a head injury. A peck to the head. My heart is broken. He's the best rooster we've ever had.
  2. H

    Polish Rooster head injury, Help!

    He was not repeatedly pecked. My adult son saw it happen. I've been working with him. He just sits. I exercise his legs. The only movements that are normal are his eating, drinking and flapping wings when he normally would. Money isn't an issue. I'll get him whatever he needs.
  3. H

    Polish Rooster head injury, Help!

    No wounds, he had only been crowing for 3 weeks. I got him from a friend. I've been feeding him egg everyday. As for meds, are you saying it's human meds or do I need to buy poultry specific meds?
  4. H

    Polish Rooster head injury, Help!

    It's been a week now and he's not any better. He was pecked in the head by a hen. Now he doesn't stand, crow or move around. When he does move he has to use his wings and head to help. He only eats or drinks while I hold him. Is it time to let him go or is there any chance he could heal?
  5. H

    Is DE safe for chickens

    Just make sure your using food grade DE.
  6. H

    New To Chickens.

    My son bought a home, 1 yr ago today. He has great plans. Starting small for now, we have 10 Asian Black, 1 Cornish Cross. We had 2 but 1 passed away last night. He got a LGD puppy whose just the smartest puppy ever. He was introduced to the chicks the other night and barked at them, so...
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