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  1. M

    Pekin drake having issues with his left leg

    Hello! I'm currently having an issue with my Pekin drake. Seems like he doesn't want to lift his left leg to take a step. When he stand he always has his wings out for balance I am assuming. Then when he does take a step he either trips himself, his toes and foot curl under(like he isn't...
  2. M

    Cracked/bleeding bill and skin near eye -- frostbite or dry skin, or something?

    i made a post simiar to this yesterday. was wondering how she helped or if she lost the duck. thank yuou for reaching out to me in response
  3. M

    Cracked/bleeding bill and skin near eye -- frostbite or dry skin, or something?

    what was the outcome of this? did you ever get answers? did it spread to others?
  4. M

    eye issue/skin problem

    hello, I have a 1 year old WH that has scabs above her eye. she is otherwise 100% normal, eating, laying, and social..normal. her eye is not draining, foamy or foggy. at first we thought maybe she scratched it but now over the past couple days it keeps growing but healing where the scab once...
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