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  1. Silexian

    Aggressive Rooster

    Get you an old fashioned corn broom. When he comes after you. Sweep him all over the yard until he runs from you. Just like another rooster would do. Just like chickens establishing a pecking order. It may take a couple of rounds. You have to put yourself in the top seat.
  2. Silexian

    Topic of the Week - Dogs and Chickens

    I have had quite a few different breeds of dogs over the years. If I get a puppy. Training them to leave livestock alone is just part of the normal training process. I have had a couple of instances, that broody hens taught them quickly. That chickens are not to be messed with. If the dog is...
  3. Silexian

    How long does it take a chick (from pipping) to get out of the shell.

    There is not a standard answer. It can take anywhere from just a few minutes to over a day. It just depends on the chick.
  4. Silexian

    In your opinion…best sustainable meat breed

    You don’t know if you don’t try. I have had some trash crosses that did not produce as well as the parent stock. I have also had some that produced better than my expectations.
  5. Silexian

    Why is my rooster bowing at me?

    Apparently you didn’t read my original answer. Saying not to act fearful. Just give him space and go about your business. A lot of keepers on here are fairly new to having chickens. If they are not sure of a behavior. Give themselves and the animal some space. That is all I am saying. I am not...
  6. Silexian

    Why is my rooster bowing at me?

    It could be any of the 7 suggestions. With as many people on here posting. “Why has my friendly rooster, suddenly started to attack me?” I think the majority of backyard keepers read the signals wrong. Better to error on the side of caution in my opinion. To each their own though.
  7. Silexian

    In your opinion…best sustainable meat breed

    Granted you would have to keep a couple different breeds and multiple flocks to create a hybrid cross. It would still be sustainable. If the hybrids grow a better carcass faster and on less feed than the parent stock. It would create market opportunities. You can provide yourself with the...
  8. Silexian

    In your opinion…best sustainable meat breed

    You are completely right on both statements. Any breeding project will test your patience. Especially if having to overcome inferior genetics. I have too many other irons in the fire to give it any serious attention. I am curious of what kind of table fowl. A Cornish x American Bresse cross...
  9. Silexian

    Why is my rooster bowing at me?

    Is he bowing and slowly walking sideways towards you? If so, that is him saying if he is intruded on. That he will fight. It is best just to give him his space. Do not act fearful. Just go on about what you are doing, making him think that you are not paying him no mind. He will more than likely...
  10. Silexian

    In your opinion…best sustainable meat breed

    If you have the space. Why not experiment with your own hybrids? Even before all the geneticists were involved. The hatcheries just crossed Cornish x Rocks. There is a reason that hybrids are used for better production.
  11. Silexian

    Putting fat chickens on a diet

    Since chickens store most of their fat internally. How is your vet determining obesity in your chickens? Orpingtons are loose feathered. Making them appear larger, while in actuality there is probably no size difference between them and your Barnevelders. Back when we still got the fry pan...
  12. Silexian

    Will these metal roofing panels work for a lean to run?

    31 gauge is pretty thin. They will work, just make sure that the purlins are spaced right. Also prepare yourself that you will probably kink a couple of them.
  13. Silexian

    Run/ wood choice?

    Good find on the pickets. I am lucky enough to be close to a sawmill. I bought rough sawn oak to build my horse stalls and loafing area with. It was a considerable savings over normal lumber. It needs weathering proofing for outdoor use. It will also rot quickly if it has ground contact. It does...
  14. Silexian

    Run/ wood choice?

    I use cedar fence pickets to build birdhouses. There is a reason they are inexpensive. You will get varying thickness (often less than an inch, sometimes down to 5/8) out of the same stack of pickets. They have quite a few knots. Which is always a weak spot, that usually lands right where you...
  15. Silexian

    Run/ wood choice?

    Cedar can be pretty brittle. It wouldn’t take a very hard accidental bump to break a 1x2. I would use 2x4s myself. Which would be less likely to split when fastening. Plus make a more durable lap joint.
  16. Silexian

    External nest box safe height outside coop?

    No problem. I have worked in the building trades my whole adult life. I sometimes forget that not everyone is quite as familiar with building components as myself. I should have included a picture from the side as well.
  17. Silexian

    External nest box safe height outside coop?

    It is a shed door latch. (You can probably be able to find a detailed drawing and description of one online) The T-handle is on top of the lid. When it is turned. It moves the D-ring under the lid, out from under the 2x4 frame of the coop. Allowing the lid to be lifted. When the lid is fully...
  18. Silexian

    Poop in Coop!

    I added roost out in my runs. I also keep fresh chips/mulch for them to scratch around in. They still scratch around some in the corn cob bedding in the coop. They mainly stay out in the run though.
  19. Silexian

    Timed feeding to keep wild birds out?

    The sparrows at your place are more brazen. Than what I have around here. A pop door is just a small door for the chickens to go in and out of the coop. I have not had a sparrow enter a coop. Since I covered my runs quite a few years back. They have left my water founts alone also. I am hoping I...
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