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  1. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Update: I’m a little chickcited this year. These are the older chicks and they’re looking gorgeous. Got a lot of youngin’s everywhere of all ages. But once they’re older some will be up for sale sooner or later.
  2. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Currently I’ve been experimenting on one breed but with different bloodlines to see what I can get out of them, and that’s Red Jungle fowl hybrids. Mainly for hobby but with the more chicks that hatch, I’ll be selling the ones that won’t look as good for further breeding and I can sell those to...
  3. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Sacrificing Chickens-The truth

    You know, maybe you should refer a Hmong friend who is shaman, so they can perform a sacrificial ritual so those sad, tortured animals will get to go to heaven for their hard work with hard earned money that’ll work in the spirit world. You see, in the Hmong culture, at least the chickens are...
  4. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Is this a Cockerel or Pullet? Hmmm 🤔

    It turned out she was a bubbly personable hen. I sold her to downsize to a friendly person with a small flock. I’m sure she’ll live a great life with them.
  5. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Maybe It Is Possible 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I don’t know if anyone’s ever had a situation like mine. But last December in 2021, my Black SexLink hen of 5.5 years passed to an illness. But around June, my father and I decided to incubate some of the eggs of the many chickens we have and to see our results. Surprisingly enough when hatch...
  6. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Just the Chickens and Ducks wanting food and attention in MN Weather

    Yeah that’s one thing that’s heavily disliked by them since they love to wait by the door when there isn’t much snow. So the seasons to come I’ll need to buy a gate of some sort to blockade them haha, I tried that last year and my chickens still jumped over. My ducks however will be different...
  7. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Red junglefowl

    I don’t have pure junglefowls nor do I even think they’re junglefowls at all but I think they’re still close enough and pretty. I don’t have the best photo quality nor do they look their best at this time, but here’s some photos of the chickens my father and I have been breeding for hobby-sake...
  8. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Just the Chickens and Ducks wanting food and attention in MN Weather

    Just some photos of my chickens and ducks wanting human attention or food haha. My Silver Appleyard Duck has an addiction 🫣🫠😅 A snow addiction..
  9. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Is this a Cockerel or Pullet? Hmmm 🤔

    That's good, because I didn't want to get rid of her. She turned out with prettier lacings than the other wyandotte. She's also more docile and likes human interaction, hence why I got those funny looking mug shots of her. Haha
  10. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Is this a Cockerel or Pullet? Hmmm 🤔

    Ok thanks for your input! I just find it weird how big the comb and wattles are, even since the day I got the chicks.
  11. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Is this a Cockerel or Pullet? Hmmm 🤔

    Hello Chicken Fam! So I ordered my chicks from Cackle Hatchery, their City Town Special- 3 where I can order 3 of the breeds they offer, and I bought an Easter Egger, Blue laced Wyandotte and a Silver Laced Wyandotte. Well, I ordered 3 and received an extra Silver Laced Wyandotte. From the very...
  12. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    My Hen Fell Off Roost At Night

    Haha I’m actually a guy so I’m a good papa 😆. I talk a lot, but overall I just have a huge love for animals and nature, I want the best for them.
  13. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    My Hen Fell Off Roost At Night

    One thing I find amazing is that even with all of her disabilities and hardships, Henny always managed to survive it all and stays strong through it all, even if she is in pain and I don’t know. And she’s freakin 6 years old. The black one in the photo sadly passed away that December in 2021...
  14. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    My Hen Fell Off Roost At Night

    She’s still alive and well, currently 6 years I’m assuming. She doesn’t have the splint anymore as she found her own way of mobility and just goes her own pace and manages to still dustbath and everything. I think the main issue wasn’t her leg but maybe her breastbone that dropped so high like...
  15. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Something Crazy With My Hen’s Vent

    Update: sadly she passed away on April 30th. I don’t think there was any use trying to save her anymore Because she got a pasty butt again which was a sign she may have gotten her egg problem again, so then I took her in for a few days to see if she’ll eat and drink after cleaning her butt. She...
  16. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Something Crazy With My Hen’s Vent

    Update: I can thankfully say, I haven't culled her like I said I would... 😃 Her prolapsed vent seemed to have become normal again and she seems okay now. I gave her a few days inside her cage to rest, then I supervised her as I let her back with the flock a few days back, as I guessed, the duck...
  17. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Something Crazy With My Hen’s Vent

    I think this is as close as I can compare to. I just rinsed my hen off earlier and I don’t think there’s any saving her sadly because it seems to have rotted when I wasn’t able to supervise her. She doesn’t have any egg like that video you showed but it definitely resembles a bit to how it looks...
  18. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Something Crazy With My Hen’s Vent

    No, she’s a young female duck that gets quite snippy nowadays but she wasn’t the problem to this specific hen. I think she just has a laying and vent issue. The other hens dealt with a bit of pecking from the duck and she’s just recently started laying and I assume she fights them off the nest...
  19. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Something Crazy With My Hen’s Vent

    Hello, so I really don’t know what else to do at this point. My Sapphire Gem Hen has been isolated for a few days from the flock because her vent was bloody a few days ago and I thought she had been pecked because another hen was pecked by my brother’s Muscovy Duck, but it wasn’t that. It had to...
  20. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Slimy Covering On Egg - What and Why?

    This is INCREDIBLY late, but it’s early March and it’s still basically winter weather outside. It’s 4pm, and I just experienced the same situation. I randomly saw an egg outside on the icy snow about 15-20ft from their coop. It wasn’t cracked at all but it was slimy and had some sort of excess...
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