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  1. Chickie friend

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 06-11-21 Pic by Nabiki

    Congrats @SpotTheCat ! there were really funny captions from everyone
  2. Chickie friend

    Ended 12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Cutest Baby Fowl Photo Contest—Win a Brinsea Incubator!

    Congratulations winners and thank you judges! (I didn't enter, but thanks still)
  3. Chickie friend

    Do "lap chickens" really exist?

    Stories are always great!
  4. Chickie friend

    Do "lap chickens" really exist?

    This thread is from 2016 😅 Cute stories though!
  5. Chickie friend

    Is this a Easter egger? Hurry!

    The one in the center of the first photo is one
  6. Chickie friend

    Is this a Easter egger? Hurry!

    I cannot see any attached pictures :confused:
  7. Chickie friend

    Looking for

    The link below takes you to the Florida thread. State threads are where a lot of people from whatever state talk and stuff. You might have luck there
  8. Chickie friend

    Looking for

    About where are you? If you're in the US, you can post on your state thread. Have you checked Craigslist?
  9. Chickie friend

    Hello from Central Texas

    :frow Hi! Welcome to byc!
  10. Chickie friend

    Bantam Cockerel

    I'm in Texas, sorry. He looks cute though!
  11. Chickie friend

    Ayam Cemani Chicken Hatch-A-long!

    I just found this thread and didn't get a tag! :he Hoping for lots of chicks!
  12. Chickie friend

    Limping pullet, sideways toe?

    Her foot is completely fine now! She has let me know by going broody. 🤦‍♀️ I've only ever had Silkie broodies before and she is much louder
  13. Chickie friend

    New Seattle Member

    :welcome Do you know what type of eggs you'll get?
  14. Chickie friend

    Thinking of getting a roo for my mixed flock

    If I were you, I would be get one of the breeds you already have so some percentage of the eggs would be pure. If you could get an ameraucana or or other blue egglaying breed (preferably not EEs- they might not have 2 blue egg genes) you could get some blue or green egg laying mixes also. But do...
  15. Chickie friend

    Buff Orpington Love Thread

    Thanks! In that photo she was indignant that she wasn't getting her rightful mealworms. Lol
  16. Chickie friend

    Buff Orpington Love Thread

    I have one buff orp! Goldie (the most original name ever) She is very sweet
  17. Chickie friend

    Crossing a Rhode Island White Rooster with a Red Hen

    This thread is from 2012, you might have better luck making a new one ;)
  18. Chickie friend

    hiii competition

    A bunch of mostly chicken pictures
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