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  1. B

    Gosling hatching advice

    Well my fears have been realised, I've just got in and the egg is sitting there with another fresh egg without a goose, and it is very cold. As you said it doesn't look like it's going to work with the geese, so I've put it back with the chooks in the hope that it's not dead and they can look...
  2. B

    Gosling hatching advice

    Hi guys, So one of the goose eggs I had put with a broody chook and thought had died started tapping today, so I put it back with the geese. I do however have the following problems:- The mother (Daisy)of the 4 week old gosling we have has showed no interest in the egg, one of the other girls...
  3. B

    Gosling advice

    Yeah Gustavo accidentally stepped on the gosling yesterday but it seemed fine after squeaking at him. Funnily enough I put some lettuce in yesterday and it was trying to grab hold of it, I was hoping the adults would shred it a bit for it but they just ate it! The mum (Daisy) is on the left of...
  4. B

    Gosling advice

    They're in their enclosure, there's not really any grass in there as it was previously a chook area (I have plans to re-plant soon), but I leave their enclosure open when I'm at home so that they can come out to graze whenever they like. They haven't as yet come outside with the little one...
  5. B

    Gosling advice

    Thanks for the reply :) This morning Gustavo (the dad) and Primrose (the Grandmother) took the little one out for a walk (is this normal, as it's only 3 days old?) so I managed to gently usher one of the other girls out of the house and lift Daisy (the mum, who was sitting on another egg) out...
  6. B

    Gosling advice

    Hi guys, So despite the sudden death of our 3 month old gosling Barnaby last year, I decided that the time was right to let Daisy (the dominant goose of the group) keep an egg and hatch a new member of the family. Last time I gave the fertitilised goose eggs to my broody chooks as the geese...
  7. B

    Sudden gosling death

    Thanks for the replies :) It's distinctly possible he ate something lead or zinc tbh, as the land here was used by off road bikers years back. We laid him to rest next to his sibling on Monday evening in the goose area (but obviously hygenic and deep enough in case of any virus he may have...
  8. B

    Sudden gosling death

    Hi all, So a little while ago I posted a Q about putting geese eggs with broody chickens to hatch, as my geese were forever bashing their eggs around in their house. The positive news is that 2 goslings hatched to their surrogate chook mums, one was thriving (Barnaby) sadly the other died...
  9. B

    Chooks looking after goose eggs

    Thanks for the reply. Do you think it possible to intergrate the gosling with the geese? I was also considering perhaps trying to put the egg back when it's virtually time for it to hatch.
  10. B

    Chooks looking after goose eggs

    Hi guys, So for the last few months I've had around 4 chooks that have been broody. As I currently don't want any new chicks from our current group of chooks and my geese are being not-so-great mums, I decided I'd give a goose egg to one of the chooks to look after. Has anyone ever tried...
  11. B

    Beak bruising/cuts

    Hi - so I have a group of 5 geese, comprising of one gander (Gustavo) and 4 girls (Gertrude, Primrose, Daisy and Pip). The hierachy is now well established with Daisy top of the food chain, and she can be a bit brutal with the other girls, but today when I came home from work I noticed that 3...
  12. B

    Problematic aggressive Gander

    My youngest just tried the broom method. Told him just to hold it, not in an aggressive manner with the bristles facing the floor. Gustavo wasn't having any of it and scuttled away from him. I was near him, but stayed as far away as I felt necessary. He needs to try it when I'm not around...
  13. B

    Problematic aggressive Gander

    It's more of an issue with my son and wife, I'll suggest to my wife to pick him up (she's done this before but just to give cuddles) but I'm not sure my lad will be up for picking him up! I see the logic though and will definitely try this as the thought of having him for dinner doesn't sit...
  14. B

    Problematic aggressive Gander

    My youngest has a plastic katana sword that he has used to keep him away (or try to) but he is hugely insistent. Yet other times he'll move away from him. More often than not he won't though. He has also gently pushed his head down to the ground too, but that doesn't deter him either. As for...
  15. B

    Problematic aggressive Gander

    So around March time we were given a goose (5 years old) and her two babies who were around 4-5 weeks at the time. We mixed them with our hens (carefully at the time, of course) and then when I had the time I moved them to their own patch, which they are enjoying immensely. The problem is...
  16. B

    Help with breeds and sexing

    Yes, I spent ages trying to get it to come out and pose for me but it wasn't interested in the slightest! If the last one is a girl that's great news, I've had a production line of cockerels bar one so I'll be happy! Thanks :)
  17. B

    Help with breeds and sexing

    I believe that they are a month old or so, have just got home early from work so I'll try to take a couple of photos
  18. B

    Help with breeds and sexing

    Thanks! They keep us on our toes. As I mentioned I think the 2 smallest pullets are going to be cockerels but I guess we'll find out soon enough
  19. B

    Help with breeds and sexing

    Oh no that's Betsy and she's around 18 months old we think. We have two like this, Betsy in the photo and Dog who's crest flops down to one side and is more daft than the others
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