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  • Users: ECrow
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  1. ECrow

    Surviving twin

    Hi there! This is such a cool story, I'm not used to hearing stories about double yolk eggs hatching! Just to clarify - the second twin did not make it? Just the first twin?
  2. ECrow

    Bantam Rooster with Full Size Hens-I've Got Questions?

    I cannot recommend bantam roosters with full sized hens enough! They have been my favorite pair! The banty roosters don’t do as much damage to my full size hens than my big roosters have done, and I have hatched eggs from this pairing! The young tend to be medium sized hens, smaller than my full...
  3. ECrow

    Show me your pretty hens!

    Some of my pretty ladies :) Bantam Easter Egger, Buff Orpington, and Egyptian Feyoumi.
  4. ECrow

    Post your handsome cocks/roosters!

    Everyone's roosters are so pretty!! Had to add my best boy, Orion, to the post❤️ (including a goofy photo of him, haha!)
  5. ECrow

    Post pictures of your roosters/cockerels (Not a contest)

    Beautiful roosters! I love the naked neck one haha😄. The rooster in your pfp and in the third photo looks a bit like my rooster, Orion, just with darker feathers!
  6. ECrow

    Choosing or raising a rooster ??? Couple questions for my options

    Not sure if you've made a decision about this yet, but whichever rooster you choose to keep (I, personally, would probably keep the legbar), I recommend handling the rooster as little as possible. The rooster's I have had who have been the best have all avoided interacting with me as much as...
  7. ECrow

    Is this Scaly leg mites?

    Hi there, Does this look like scaly leg mites? I was looking at my rooster's spurs and noticed that his legs don't look quite as smooth as I was expecting. I can't say I noticed them looking really smooth lately, but I was a bit concerned when I saw them. He is about 2 years old and otherwise...
  8. ECrow

    Thoughts on Roosters??

    I’m pro-rooster! Banty roosters are always my go to choice, because they’ve small so they don’t do much damage to the hens, and mine have always been really nice to the hens and nice to me. From my experience with raising roosters over the past ten years, if you don’t try to hand raise them...
  9. ECrow

    Wha is killing my chickens

    I've had this happen a couple times. From what I could tell, it was either a raccoon or a weasel. So sorry for your loss, it's always so devastating to lose one, not to mention losing multiple at a time :(
  10. ECrow

    Who has raised Buff orpingtons before?

    I have raised 2 Buff Orpingtons! they have quickly become one of my favorite breeds. My first BO was the closest to a chicken soul mate as I think I’ll ever get, she died during a predator attack last summer at the age of 10 and I doubt I’ll ever find a hen as loving and caring as she was. She...
  11. ECrow

    Chicken Prison Completed

    Your chicken coop is really cute! I love the beware sign😂 I hope the new setup keeps them all inside!
  12. ECrow

    Trying to decide- repair/upgrade coop that came with the house or start from scratch?

    Having a divided coop sounds nice tho! One side could be used for your flock and the other for introducing new birds or to be used as a sick bay.
  13. ECrow

    Trying to decide- repair/upgrade coop that came with the house or start from scratch?

    I was going to say this same thing! Just by the photos alone, it looks like a very hard coop to clean, and it already looks pretty messy from the last flock. There are a lot of places in that coop that mites could get too, and building something with less layers (does that make sense??) will...
  14. ECrow

    What is the dosage of amprolium for preventing coccidiosis?

    A month ago I hatched some chicks and when I spoke to a vet recently, he said it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give them amprolium. The feed I use is unmediated. I’ve used powder Corid in their water in the past, but I can’t remember the dosage to use. If anyone could tell me how much of the powder...
  15. ECrow

    How do I tell if my hens have worms?

    Recently I’ve been noticing some unusual poop in my coop. It’s runny and yellow/green and a few of my hens bottoms have been getting dirty. One of my hens has completely stopped laying and her face is looking a bit pale. Is it possible that she has worms? How do you tell if that is the issues...
  16. ECrow

    Eye injury - swelling, blind, oozing

    I just noticed one of my hens has an injured eye. I don’t know how it happened, I’ve had her separated from my flock for a couple weeks now because she’s been aggressive with the other hens, so it wasn’t a fight between chickens. There are bees in her area, but I’ve never had a hen get stung...
  17. ECrow

    Sour crop - need dosing for miconazole ASAP

    How often did you give her the 2lm of cream? Did you do the 3 day or 7 day course? I have the same situation and cream and have been having trouble finding sources for amount/frequency
  18. ECrow

    Soup crop - help - treatments?

    I have a 10 year old hen who started showing signs of soup crop yesterday. After looking up the symptoms I’m pretty confident that is what she has (full, squishy crop, “vomits” when I pick her up, wet droppings, low energy). What is the best way to treat sour crop? I was also wondering how to...
  19. ECrow

    What gender is this? 6-7 week old Buff Orpington

    By looking at the chick's feathers, they're all very round and hen-like. At what age do cockerels begin to get pointed feathers at their neck and base of tail?
  20. ECrow

    What gender is this? 6-7 week old Buff Orpington

    I have one Buff Orpington chick that I think is about 6 or 7 weeks old (correct me if I'm wrong), and when I got it, I was told it was a pullet, but I've been worried she's a he instead. I only have two chicks at the moment, the other is a younger EE mix who I was able to feather sex when she...
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