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  • Users: Ema
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  1. Ema

    one Hen dead, need help identifying

    Its been a while since I've been on, haven't had any issues at all until this morning. now I did not take pics because my kids were running up behind me and did not want them to see the chicken laying there. the neck was broken, head and crop were intact, but chicken had flesh missing from...
  2. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    well my final count was only 4 hatched. the one I had to help out and wash up I wasn't expecting to live, she was in real distress last night after I finally helped her out of the shell. her breathing was weak she was not getting up or moving and she could not open her eyes. but this morning...
  3. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    well to update on my previous post...I took the real wet chick out, she was so sticky she was kinda glued to the wire mesh...poor thing. I placed warm water in a dish and wrapped her up in a cloth in the water and gently rubbed, the wood stove is going since its soo cold here, so I did all this...
  4. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    the chick I had to help out is really sticky, I have not reopened the bator since I put her back in, can someone tell me if she will be alright or do I need to dry her off a bit, I mean she is super sticky, not looking very good either, kind of worried. my mind tells me I should leave her be and...
  5. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    ok I am up to 4 chicks now, one pipped and zipped and out of the shell in minutes, I never even heard anything coming out of that egg at all and voila one tiny chick. the other I am a little worried about, I noticed it pipped this morning sometime and I kept watching it and finally took it out...
  6. Ema

    Disease Spreading through the hen house

    I read your other post, seems to me that your other hen seemed to be suffering from an obstructed crop. olive oil and some massage would have likely helped her immensely and she would likely still be alive, but I am going by the description of her symptoms. we need more information in order...
  7. Ema

    Disease Spreading through the hen house

    your best bet is to remove the chicks and quaranteen them for now, then you need to add a full spectrum antibiotic to waterer for the rest of your chickens. those who are not eating or drinking on their own you might have to administer the antibiotic by dropper. I am going to see if I can find...
  8. Ema

    My turkey poults keep dying and I'm at a loss

    where are you located, meaning how is the weather where you are at, where is the brooder located? I raised my turkeys in a round kiddie pool, indoor, for 2 weeks, no medicated water just medicated turkey starter, I added sugar water for the first 2 days then switched to regular fresh water...
  9. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    I wish I had more room in my cooler bator lol....maybe If I make a larger egg turner I might be able to fit more than just 18 and be able to get more than 3 or 4 to hatch out of those poor is so docile and so cute...hobbles everywhere, due to previous injuries, but what...
  10. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    with my last hatch, which was actually my first I went against all the advice I had gotten, I think its the worry and we panic they won't make it out, so we don't give them the time they require to get out of the shell on their own, we worry they are having a hard time and then we go ahead and...
  11. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    The roo is from a hatchery, but by the looks of him he seems to be a cross between columbian and leghorn, lol...he is doing the best he can he was injured as a young chick by a turkey and practically came back from the dead, the fact he even survived is something else, he had 2 broken legs a...
  12. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    I am ordering chicks soon myself. I got the cooler incubator as an xmas gift from my hubby, first time around nothing hatched, second time only three, truth be told I got one Roo and 18 girls so I have no idea which eggs are fertile and which aren't so I have to put all 18 in and see what...
  13. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    surprisingly enough I am not sure where I am finding my patience, one hatched the other is still the same but I can see it moving. the rest nothing as of yet, but hatch day is not until the afternoon on sunday, which is actually today I got the cutest little blonde chick pipping...
  14. Ema

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    I set eggs same day you did, and this is the first time seeing this thread, I got 2 that pipped around 4 hours ago....still waiting but thinking this is going to be a long progress cause there has been no progress since first pip, but I can hear them chirping and the eggs are moving a bit here...
  15. Ema


    gosh you should see how people look at me all I can talk about is my chickens...but oh well, its a topic of great importance to us chicken people, lol, though I talk about my kids and other animals just as much as chickens...but when I first got them I was told that is all I...
  16. Ema

    4 wk old babies getting to go outside a couple of times a day

    isn't that just a wonderful feeling. watching these tiny little feathery creatures enjoying the simplest of things life brings them. Glad you are enjoying your babies... :-) Ema
  17. Ema

    Hello From Alabama!!

    hi and hope you enjoy the forum and we look forward to reading your future posts. Ema
  18. Ema

    Bacon grease (fat) supplement to starter?

    chicks should not require anything else but chick starter for the first few weeks of their life, they also need grit...if the chicks are in a good brooder with a heat lamp at the correct temps then they will not be cold. I would be weary in giving them bacon grease at such a young age, hard...
  19. Ema

    salted sunflower seeds

    sodium is definitely not something chickens should eat, its bad for them, 2 summers ago my deep well water softener malfunctioned and because I drank culligan water I never noticed that the water in my pipes was coming out as salt water, 13 of my chickens died due to high levels of sodium...
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