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  1. P

    How long to wait until eating eggs (deworming)

    Do you alternate between different dewormers? I have been always using fenbendazol, will that cause resistance?
  2. P

    How long to wait until eating eggs (deworming)

    How soon can you start to deworm them?
  3. P

    How long to wait until eating eggs (deworming)

    So, if I give my chickens 5 days straight in a row, I don’t need to repeat it?
  4. P

    Long-term Calcium Citrate Use?

    What is the dosage of oregano oil?
  5. P

    Can I mix Corid and nutri drench? Chicken’s not eating much

    Any chicken feed has thiamine, does that mean the sick chicken cannot eat any feed as well?
  6. P

    How to treat Giardia?

    I know this is an old post, but I hope I can still get some responses. My vet said my rooster had giardia, and gave him two doses of fenbendazole and 7 days of metronidazole. He got better after the treatment was complete, but took a down turn after several days. He started to have running green...
  7. P

    Help please!!! Diarrhea with this type of poop

    He refuses to eat, only drinks when I putting water in front of him.
  8. P

    Help please!!! Diarrhea with this type of poop

    Thank you!!! Just got some and gave it to him.
  9. P

    Help please!!! Diarrhea with this type of poop

    The vet prescribed metronidazole for another 7 days, this is also an antibiotics. I was told not to use probiotics with antibiotics.
  10. P

    Help please!!! Diarrhea with this type of poop

    No smell at all, just poop water and this bean dregs like poop. He was on Baytril for five days from the first vet visit. I am so hoping this diahrrea would stop and the crop will be empty.
  11. P

    Help please!!! Diarrhea with this type of poop

    What is this kind of poop indicating? The vet said that he got Giardia, and prescribed metronidazole 0.3ml once a day for 7 days, but the diarrhea would not stop. The sick chicken only drinks, stopped eating from last night. His crop does not empty, either feeling watery or like dough. I put...
  12. P

    External femur rotation or slipped tendon?

    Thank you! He did, but I or the vet was never able to fix his leg. Luckily, he is well loved and cares in a loving home, being the only rooster of the flock.
  13. P

    White spots and smell in throat of sick hen

    Thank you! Do you put it in their water? How many times per day?
  14. P

    White spots and smell in throat of sick hen

    Where did you get it? All I can find is 1000mg or 400mg capsules. What’s the dosage and how did you administer it?
  15. P

    Hen with white lesions in thoat

    I know this is an old thread, were you able to cure your chickens with nystatin? I have a rooster that has white spots on his throat and has had gurgling sound when breathing for two months almost.
  16. P

    Hacthing eggs

    I ship egg. I have some silkie eggs. But not partridge.
  17. P

    Baytril duration and antibiotic resistance

    This will be the second time that I give him Baytril within a month. Will it create a problem?
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