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  1. J

    Advice for building roost in run.

    Here is a photo of the roosting perches I built. However, you can see that the chooks prefer roosting on the building support...
  2. J

    Broody adopting hatchery chicks (behavior)

    How did you keep the chicks warm while waiting to put them under the hen at night?
  3. J

    Intentionally wetting sand in coop

    I am in North Central Florida. I have an open-air coop with a bare floor. Yes, it has been very dusty this summer and fall (lack of rain). So I spray down the coop floor when I do a monthly clean-out. In addition to keeping the dust down, it makes the bugs come up and the chooks get free...
  4. J

    Winter is coming...What is left on your to-do list?

    We are in North Central Florida and we have an open air coop. Having said that, we can get a few weeks of pretty cold weather so I put up tarps before a cold front. I do not use any kind of heat. The coop faces south east so they get the morning sun. I's in the 80's today.
  5. J

    Attaching Hardware Cloth to Run

    Here is a photo of our setup. It is two chain link dog kennels joined together. We attached hardware cloth over the chain link using hog nose pliers/rings. We extended the HWC apron out 24" from the bottom of the run and covered the ceiling with HWC before the tin roof was added. Probably...
  6. J

    Ocala Florida area anyone?!?!?!?

    I live 20 min north of Ocala
  7. J

    New Chicken Mom Intro & Question

    I think the silver laced are prettier.
  8. J

    Broken eggs under broody hen

    UPDATE: Six eggs hatched sucessfully. Two of the remaining eggs did not. So now we have six healthy baby chicks and a very happy mama. Thanks for encouraging me to leave well enough alone.
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    We live north of Reddick
  10. J

    Have the chickens, now I need a coop. Please help!!!

    We used hog nose rings to attach the hardware cloth to the metal wire of the coop.
  11. J

    STORE CLEARANCE- 2023 Calendars Buy One Get One Free!

    Just ordered one for me and one for my friend.
  12. J

    Help me name my barred rock

  13. J

    Broken eggs under broody hen

    Thanks for the reply. Sounds like I did everything you suggested. I'm just going to keep an eye out for ants. I have a small empty coop that I plan to move her and the eggs into so that the other hens will leave her alone. Sounds like we have a chance for some biddies!
  14. J

    Broken eggs under broody hen

    Our broody hen has been setting on a clutch of eggs for a week. When I checked on the nest this morning another hen was on her nest. I chased her out and to my dismay two of the eggs were broken and the nest material was slimy from the broken eggs. I moved the unbroken eggs to another box...
  15. J

    Chain Link Dog Kennel to Ft Knox Covered Open-Air Coop/Run Combo - Build Suggestions?

    Hog nose rings. Also short pieces of wire where the hog nose rings could not be used.
  16. J

    Chain Link Dog Kennel to Ft Knox Covered Open-Air Coop/Run Combo - Build Suggestions?

    Here are some photos of our chain link dog kennel chicken coop. The green shade cloth in the first photo faces east. All three sides of the top half of the back of the coop is covered with vinyl siding that I got at a yard sale. This photo shows the kennel ceiling covered with hardware...
  17. J

    Nest box designs

    Our coop has nesting boxes but the chooks far prefer kitty litter containers LOL. We live in Florida where the summers are long and hot so I drilled large holes on the sides for ventilation.
  18. J

    How the Heck do You Get this Thing OPEN?!?

    D on't laugh. I'm in my 70's and I have to hold the white part petween my knees and use all my muscle power to unscrew the top. I smear vaseline around the inside of the lid when I put it together and that helps some, but it is still dfficult. If I'm lucky I can persuade my husband to undo...
  19. J

    Feed consumption

    Our chooks free-rangs from dawn to dusk. I used to keep feed containers in the run at all times so they could eat whenever they wanted. I thought they were going through feed awfully fast until I discovered that we had rats in the coop and run. I now feed my chooks under the bird feeder...
  20. J

    New Baby chick help

    I love a happy ending :>)
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